Page 76 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 76

Age 12 to 18                   Those who successfully dealt   with a strong identity, and ready to plan for   vocation, sexual orientation, and his role in life in
                                        with earlier conflicts are ready   the future.                         general.
         Roles: Identity vs Confusion   for the "Identity Crisis", which
                                        is the single most significant
                                        conflict a person must face.
         Young Adulthood                In this stage, the most       Adult individuals can form close         If not, they will fear commitment, feel isolated and
                                        important events are love     relationships and share with others if they   unable to depend on anybody in the world.
         Age 19 to 40 –                 relationships. No matter how   have achieved a sense of identity.
                                        successful you are with your
         Intimacy vs. Isolation         work, you are not
                                        developmentally complete until
                                        you are capable of intimacy.
         Middle Adulthood               Generativity refers to the    People can solve this crisis by having and   If this crisis is not successfully resolved, the person
                                        adult's ability to look outside   nurturing children, or helping the next   will remain self-centred and experience stagnation
         Age 40 to 65                   oneself and care for others,   generation in other ways.               later in life.
                                        through parenting, for
         Generativity vs. Stagnation    instance. We might also see
                                        this as an end of self-interest.
                                        A time for reflecting upon one's  If the adult has achieved a sense of   If not, the individual will despair and fear death.
                                        own life and its role in the big   fulfilment about life and a sense of unity
         Late Adulthood                 scheme of things, and seeing it  within himself and with others, he will
                                        filled with pleasure and      accept death with a sense of integrity. Just
         Age 65 to death                satisfaction or disappointments  as the healthy child will not fear life, said
                                        and failures.                 Erikson, the healthy adult will not fear
         Integrity vs. Despair

        Whatever age, sex or colour you happen to be, whatever stage of human development you may have reached, you will have memories of phases when life
        seemed more of a trial than others. You may have experienced a difficult childhood, when you felt unloved, or lacking in approval. You may have been taught
        that guilt was a natural state of mind, and through experience, that trusting others only ended in tear and pain.

        Reflecting back over your life, you will have your own recollections of experiences from earlier life phases that either positively or negatively influenced
        your beliefs, thoughts and experiences up to this point. Vitally important learning skills are acquired in our formative years. We receive so much of that
        learning as a result of influences received from events, selections (choices) and people.

                    You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you. Wayne Dyer  ~ 1940-, American  Psychotherapist, Author, Lecturer

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