Page 81 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 81

For each person :-

            •  List their name
            •  How old were you at that time?
            •  Write their actions that affected you
            •  Write down the influence of these actions on you, positive or negative

        For the purpose of this exercise, take a cold hard look at the influence that has been exerted on your development. Do not allow your feelings for the person
        affect your judgement. However well intended, their influence may no longer fit with you comfortably. It is time to determine if the influences that have helped
        create the present “you”, are they still (or were they ever) serving your best interests in terms of your emotional development?

        Were you on the list of influential people? If not, why not? If your own name does not appear on the list it may mean that the self you now own has been
        moulded and forged by other people. This would mean that you attribute your basic core characteristics to the action and behaviour of others. If so, maybe they
        took good care of the precious commodity you entrusted them with and maybe they didn’t.

        It surely makes good sense, that you should be the first person on your list of influential people. Only you can change YOU to your own satisfaction.

        By now, you will have valuable memories, crystallised into note form, that  spell out for you the influential events and moments that moulded your life as it is
        now, the pivotal, influential choices and decisions you made and the actions of the influential people in your life and the effects, good or bad of their influence.

        Reviewing the process

        Assuming you have completed this important exercise, you are equipped to analyse the life changing moments, influencing factors, choices and decisions that
        have created the life you now live. Ask yourself how much of the life you now live is authentic to the degree that would make you happy?

        Revisit the results of your happiness tests in the section on human needs, roles and areas. Look at the areas where you are happiest and least satisfied. Can you
        see more clearly how your life changing moments, influential people and factors, choices and decisions have influenced your authentic state of happiness? Are
        you more or less happy as a result of the influences and actions of those events and people? Can you see areas where change would significantly impact on
        your happiness, positively or negatively?

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