Page 61 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 61

Leisure & Social Life

        We have to relate to so many people, those we work and live with, those we meet out shopping in stores, banks, etc. What we are trying to get to here is how
        genuinely at ease you feel interacting with other people. How comfortable are you in different social situations? It is the broader picture of your interaction
        with other people we are assessing here, not merely your pleasure gained from nights out with the girls or lads!

        Personal Growth & Attitude

        One of the traits of those fortunate few who enjoy more happiness in life, is that they commit themselves to the continuous process of learning and accepting
        the inner truths about themselves. The closed mind and know it all attitude has no place in the search for happiness. It is a form of denial that obstructs the path
        to inner peace. Some discover most about themselves through spiritual enlightenment, others simply by digging deep into why they respond and behave the
        way they do in certain situations. In the sections that follow, there will be plenty of support to help you in this section.

        “Your attitude determines your altitude”

        Without doubt, attitude is the single most influential factor on the path to true happiness. The right attitude produces results you never imagined possible, the
        wrong attitude can produce nightmare situations. You choose your outcomes with your choice of attitude. You can be the architect of your own happy destiny
        or the author of your own misfortune, the choice as they say, is up to you! When things go wrong are you looking for solutions or fretting about the past you
        can’t change?  So many people waste so much time worrying about the past they can’t change, and the events of tomorrow that might never materialise, that
        they miss the opportunity to do something positive today.


        Your health is a crucial part of your happiness in life. So many of us take it for granted, until we collapse with exhaustion, stress or some other preventable
        condition. Do you take regular exercise? Are you happy with your general level of fitness? Are you careful about your diet? Do you take enough rest?  You
        will discover that what follows in the coming chapters, will guide you toward your general well being and happiness will have a positive effect in the area of
        your health.


        It is said that 70% of people in employment would rather be doing something completely different. Are you passionate about your career choice? Does it
        light your candle? Does it excite you? Are you fulfilled? Do you have your career path all mapped out? Does it inspire your creative juices to flow?  We
        spend more hours working than in any other area so it is natural that unhappiness, dissatisfaction or demotivation in this area will spill over, souring other
        areas of our  lives. It is therefore vitally important that your career stimulates you and helps you to grow.
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