Page 42 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 42

Auditing Forests: Guidance for Supreme Audit Institutions

          Appendix 2: Using GIS

          and GPS in Forests Audits

          GEOGRAPHICAL                                         WHAT IS GIS?
                                                               A  geographic  information  system  (GIS)  integrates  hardware,
                                                               software,  and  data  to  capture,  manage,  analyze,  and  display
          Geographical data is the data or information that identifies the   all forms of geographically referenced information. GIS can be
          geographic location of features and boundaries on earth, usually   defined  as  information  systems  used  to  input,  store,  retrieve,
          stored as coordinate and topology. The data can be mapped.
          Geographic position refers to the fact that each feature has a   process, analyze, and produce data in geographical or geospatial
                                                               form,  to  support  decision  making  in  planning  and  managing
    42    location that must be specified in a unique way. To specify the   field utilization, natural resources, transportation, public utilities,
          position in an absolute way a coordinate system is used.
                                                               and  other  public  services.  For  more  information,  please  visit
          Geographical data are organized in a geographic database. This
          database can be considered as a collection of spatially referenced
          data  that  acts  as  a  model  of  reality.  There  are  two  important   WHY GIS IS USED, AND BY WHO
          components of this geographic database: its geographic position,
          and its attributes or properties. In other words, spatial data (where   A forest can be vast and sometimes barely accessible. Con-
          is it?), and attribute data (what is it?).
                                                               ventional methods cannot be used by auditors when dealing
                                                               with  land  on  this  scale  and  remoteness.  GIS  is  very  helpful
                                                               in  these  situations.  Using  GIS  we  can  gather  a  huge  range
          In fact, geographical data can be used for many applications,   of  information  that  can  be  used  when  undertaking  a  forest
          such as:
                                                               audit. This information includes data about land coverage, the
          •   Different streams of planning. Can be used for urban planning,     boundary  of  a  Licensed  Forest  Company  (hereinafter  called
             housing, transportation planning, architectural conservation,    an ‘LFC’), and the physical forest boundary of a forest. This
             and urban and landscape design.                   information, and other information like it, enables auditors to
                                                               determine, for instance, whether or not a plantation or mining
          •   Street  Network  Based  Applications.  Can  be  used  for     activities is complying with its license.
             addressed-matched applications like vehicle routing and
             scheduling, location and site selection, and disaster planning.
          •   Natural  Resource  Based  Applications.  Can  be  used  for    The users of GIS usually are those who need spatial information.
             management and environmental impact analysis of wild and     Each user has their needs on how to utilize GIS.
             scenic  recreational  resources,  flood  plain,  wetlands,
             aquifers, forests, and wildlife.                  GIS is used commonly in forestry. For such developed countries
                                                               as US and Canada, the use of GIS in forestry is common. To
          •   Viewshed Analysis. Can be used for planning the location    get more description on this, please visit:
             of  hazardous  or  toxic  factories,  and  for  groundwater
             modeling. Could be used for wildlife habitat studies and    KKane/Project.html
             for looking at migration routes.
          •   Land Parcel Based. Can be used for zoning, sub-division
             plan  reviews,  land  acquisition,  environment  impact  ana-   WHAT IS GPS
             lyses, nature quality management, and maintenance etc.
          •   Facilities  Management.  Can  be  used  for  locating  under-
             ground  pipes  and  cables  for  maintenance,  planning,     The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based glo-
                                                               bal  navigation  satellite  system.  It  provides  reliable  positioning,
             tracking energy use.
                                                               navigation, and timing services to worldwide users on a continuous
                                                               basis in all weather, day and night, anywhere on or near the Earth
                                                               which has an unobstructed view of four or more GPS satellites.
          This Appendix focuses on natural resource based application,
          especially in forestry. We need geographical data on forestry   GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide,
          because forests cover very large areas of land. The demands of   and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying, commerce,
          forest analysis mean that we need a Geographical Information   scientific uses, tracking and surveillance, and hobbies such as
          System (GIS).                                        geocaching and waymarking.
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