Page 45 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 45

Appendix 2: Using GIS and GPS in Forests Audits

          Hotspot changes, 2006-2007

           DISTRICT    HOTSPOT                                                                       PRODUCTIVE
                                    ZONE     CONSERVE     PARK      FOREST     FOREST      FOREST
           AA             -98        -61         0          0          0          1         -30          -8
           BB             95         109         0          0          0          -1        -15          2
           CC            -787        -508        6          0          0          -4        -247        -34
           DD            -601        -254        0          -7         -4         4         -330        -10
           EE             -15        -16         3         11          0          1         -12          -2
           FF             33         26          0         -11         0          -6         9          15
           GG             -79        -44         0          -3         0         -21        -20          9
           HH            -895        -674       -97         0          0         -22        -70         -32
           II            -171        -116        0          0          4          0         -59          0
           JJ             -1          0          0          0          0          -1         0           0

           KK             -3         -3          0          0          0          0          0           0
           TOTAL         -2522      -1541       -88        -10         0         -49        -774        -60

          Note: numbers in pink color indicate the highest number

          If we refer to table hotspot change during 2006-2007, the selected   Data processing:
          sample seems to be the BB district (as it has 109 additional hot-  •   To determine which LFC cut trees outside its annual cutting
          spots). However, the largest contribution to this is Non Forest Zone.      block from many LFCs, we analyze the deforestation per LFC.
          Therefore, the second alternative to be selected as a sample is FF
          district (Limited Productive Forest) with 15 hotspot increases.  •   Intersect time series data with land coverage to obtain the
                                                                  land coverage condition for the beginning of the year and for
                                                                  the end of the year.
          Ground check:
                                                               •   Then, this spatial data is filtered according to data attributes.
          •   To get evidence of our GIS analysis, we use GPS.     Since we are interested in deforestation data, we would seek
                                                                  to identify land coverage data in the form of primary forest
          •   Enter the coordinate of hotspot we would like to visit.
                                                                  in  the  beginning  of  the  year,  and  compare  that  with  the
          •   Use the GPS to navigate us to the predetermined       amount  underbrush  present  at  the  end  of  the  year.  This
             hotspot point.                                       would  be  a  measurement  of  the  deforestation  that  has
          •   when we arrive at the destination, prepare the
             observation report.                               •   we then intersect this data with spatial data from LFCs;
                                                                  this will help us to find out in which LFCs deforestation has
          2. RESEARCH QUESTION: Did the company                •   we then calculate the area of deforestation for each LFC.
          cut the tree/timber outside allowed areas?
                                                                  After deciding which LFC that  has the largest deforestation
                                                                  area, we identify the fell outside block annual cutting.
          Minimum data required:                               •   If  the  block  map  of  company  annual  cutting  is  in  JPEG
                                                                  format, this file needs to be processed first (this is called
          •   LFC spatial data.
                                                                  geo-referencing). (This process provides coordinate data
          •   Block map of company’s Annual Cutting (in JPEG format,        for every pixel in the JPEG file.)
             however, it would be better in .shp file).
                                                               •   The output of geo-referencing is a JPEG file with coordi-
          •   Land coverage spatial data (in time series).        nates. This new data could be overlaid with deforestation
                                                                  spatial data.
                                                               •   Overlay  deforestation  spatial  data  with  geo-referenced
                                                                  JPEG annual cutting data.
                                                               •   Determine whether the deforestation area is inside or out-
                                                                  side the annual cutting block. Select area with deforestation
                                                                  outside the annual cutting block.
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