Page 16 - Visit 1
P. 16
Biznis / Business
na “razvoju infrastrukture, poljoprivrede, da jedni drugima Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegović said the countries had
pomognemo, i zajednički idemo ka EU i evropskom tržištu“. to work together on infrastructural and agricultural projects,
Konstatirano je da ekonomija treba imati primat nad po- assist each other and go together in the EU and the EU
litikom, a ne obrnuto, što se može postići zajedništvom u markets. It has been concluded that the economy should
dijelovima regije gdje se mogu ostvariti poslovni uspjesi. take precedence over politics, not the opposite, and that
Nekadašnji zamjenik premijera Turske Ali Babacan također could be achieved if the regional countries worked together
je Sarajevo Business Forum izdvojio kao prominentnu plat- on join projects. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Republic of
formu za razmjenu iskustava u jugoistočnoj Evropi, a sa nji- Turkey Ali Babacan singled out Sarajevo Business Forum as the
me su se složili i srbijanski premijer Aleksandar Vučić te niz prominent platform where experiences could be exchanged.
drugih učesnika. Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and many influential
- Prihvatamo slogan foruma “Jedan region, jedna ekono- figures agreed with Mr Babacan.
mija“. Imamo trgovinsku razmjenu od skoro 30 posto u ze- “We agree with the motto ‘One region, one economy’. Trade is
mljama regije. Možemo je unaprijediti uz neki vid političkog 30 per cent in the region. It can be improved. If we meet some
preduvjeta, što je lahko postići - poručio je Vučić te godine. political preconditions, and will be easy to do it”, Mr Vučić said.
Na jednom od prošlogodišnjih panela kao privrednik je go- Mr Adnan Ćatić, a multiple world boxing champion WBA
vorio i njemački bokser bh. porijekla Adnan Ćatić, višestruki middleweight, is a businessman as well. He presented his idea
prvak svijeta po WBA verziji u srednjoj kategoriji. Izložio je of starting production and distribution of energy drink Heavy
ideju o pokretanju proizvodnje i distribucije svog energet- 1 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
skog pića Heavy 1 u BiH. Ovo piće trenutno se može naći This drink is sold in more than 11.000 stores in Germany, Belgium,
na preko 11.000 trgovinskih lokacija širom Njemačke, a uz Spain and Italy. Ćatić’s priority is to launch the product on
Belgiju, Španiju i Italiju, a prioritet mu je plasirati proizvod Arabian market. He said he was aware that unemployment had
na tržište arapskih zemalja. Svjestan je kako je nezaposle- been the biggest issue in B&H and that’s why he has started
nost najveći problem građana BiH, pa je zbog toga pokre- business in B&H.
nuo proizvodnju. General David Patraeus, former CIA Director and the CEO of
Veliku pažnju izazvao je i prošlogodišnji dolazak bivšeg di- KKR Global Institute which is a part of American multinational
rektora CIA-e i američkog generala Davida Petraeusa, sada private equity firm KKR & Co. L.P. with total committed capital
predsjednika KKR Global Instituta, dijela investicionog fon- of approximately US$ 100 billion, spoke at the conference last
da KKR, „teškog“ skoro 100 milijardi dolara. Oni su u zemlje years and his speech draw vast interest. KKR invested US$ 1.2
zapadnog Balkana uloži 1,2 milijarde dolara, a Petraeus je billion in the Balkans, and Mr Patraeus said it was justified.
kazao kako su se te investicije pokazale opravdanim.
Chinese delegation draw vaste interest as well, and the result
Pažnju je izazvao i dolazak kineske delegacije, koji je rezulti- was an annex in the contract between Elektroprivreda BiH,
rao Aneksom ugovora između Elektroprivrede BiH i kineske China Gezhouba Group Coupan and GEDI Guandong Electric
Adnan Ćatić,
bokser bh.
odlučio je
uložiti novac
u BiH
Adnan Ćatić,
German boxer
of B&H origin,
has invested in
MART / MARCH 2017. 15