Page 21 - Visit 1
P. 21
Intervju / Interview
Kako ocjenjujete tok projekta “40 miliona KM za privredu and together we secure financing up to seven years, with the low
Kantona Sarajevo“? profit rate. Cantonal government tries to help enterprises. At the
- Kantonalna vlada podržava mala i srednja preduzeća. Ja- end, everybody gains including canton, enterprises and banks.
vili smo se na taj poziv ravnopravno s drugim bankama, po-
nudili najbolje uslove i pobijedili na tenderu. To je u suštini There is no law on public-private partnership. Is it the obstacle to
saradnja javnog i privatnog sektora. Država daje određene achieve that goal?
subvencije firmama, a mi sredstva. Udružili smo sredstva; mi - The law is one thing, and the public-private partnership is
40 miliona KM, a oni oko milion i 900 hiljada i osigurali finan- the other. Let’s take Sarajevo Business Forum as an example.
siranje do sedam godina po niskoj fiksnoj profitnoj stopi za We pay all costs, organise the forum, we put our resources,
korisnike. Tako dobija kanton, firme, a i mi. and the government participates in organisation. This is the
public-private partnership I talk about. I don’t talk about selling
Je li nedostatak zakonske regulative prepreka javno-privat- public hospitals or highways. Private companies evaluate the
nom partnerstvu kod nas? visa applications in the UK. We need competition. If we have
- Zakon je jedna, a saradnja između privatnog i javnog sek- monopoly than we don’t have quality. Monopoly is negative
tora druga stvar. Naprimjer, organizacija Sarajevo Business for private and public sector. Young people from Bosnia and
Foruma; mi snosimo sve troškove, organizaciju, stavljamo Herzegovina move to Austria. Austria organises some things
svoje resurse na raspolaganje, a država se uključi kao organi- better, for the lives of ordinary citizens.
zator. Ne govorim da se privatiziraju bolnice, da privatni sek-
tor preuzme autoputeve i to naplaćuje. Britanci su procesui- You said once that it was not the issue that Arab tourists came, but
ranje aplikacija za vizu i te poslove spustili na privatne firme. the fact that young people moved from Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Konkurencija je nužna, monopol negativno djeluje kako na - There are 30-40 thousands of Arabs here every summer. Autumn
privatni, tako i na javni sektor. Naši mladi odlaze u Austriju, comes, and they leave. Every year 80.000 people leave B&H for
a ne ostaju ovdje jer su bolje organizirali neke stvari za život. good. They sell their properties and leave. Arabs come here for
three months, spend their money and leave. Countries fight to
Zato ste i kazali da “nije problem što dolaze arapski turisti, attract more tourists. We make problem of it.
već što mladi idu iz BiH“?
- Dođe ovdje 30-40 hiljada Arapa ljeti. Prođe ljeto, oni odu... Sarajevo Business Forum is coming. What can we expect?
A godišnje 80 hiljada naših građana ode trajno! Proda imovi- - A lot of important people announced they were coming,
nu i ode! Ovi došli na tri mjeseca ovdje, potrošili pare i otišli. but we cannot publish their names before they confirm arrival. It
Sve zemlje se bore da privuku turiste, a mi to problematiziramo. will be the 8th Sarajevo Business Forum. Every forum was bigger
than the previous one. It’s hard to attract investors. A promotion
Bliži se i novi SBF, šta možemo očekivati ove godine od ovog of B&H and the Balkans is the ride uphill all the way because B&H
prestižnog događaja? was identified as problematic country, but there is no alternative
- Imamo velike najave, ali ne možemo da objavimo konkret- way. When you say “the Balkans” it doesn’t mean something nice
na imena dok se sve ne potvrdi. Ovo je osmi forum i nijedan but divided, hostile and ruined. We have to promote B&H and
do sada nije bio manji od prethodnog. Privlačenje investicija the Balkans, attract investors, and work on projects if we want to
i rad na promociji BiH je dug put, pogotovo jer je naša zemlja prosper. There are Sarajevo Film Festival, Baščaršija nights, Sarajevo
bila identificirana kao problematična. Kad kažete Balkan, to Business Forum, but we need at least 12 different events per year.
nije nešto lijepo već je to bilo podijeljeno i zaraćeno, unište- You can see what’s going on, hotel booking, shopping malls etc.
no. To je put uzbrdo, ali nemamo alternativu. Moramo pozi- that have been opened after Sarajevo Business Forums. There are
vati investitore, pripremati im projekte ako hoćemo prospe- investments in Bosnaplod and Hepok companies, tourism and
ritet. Imamo SFF, Baščaršijske noći, SBF, ali nam treba makar many other projects. It takes time. Even banks BBI competes with
12 ovakvih i sličnih događaja godišnje. Vidite kakve se stvari now offer us cooperation on some projects.
dešavaju, koliko se hotela, tržnih centara i slično otvorilo u
Sarajevu zbog SBF-a. Tu su i investicije poput brčanskog Bo- Investments are important for economic development and growth
snaploda, Hepoka, turizma... Treba vremena! Sada banke koje of Bosnia and Herzegovina. How do you assess the attitude
su nam konkurencija žele s nama sarađivati na projektima. toward attracting investors from the Arab world and China? Can
we do it better?
Kako ocjenjujete odnos prema privlačenju investicija iz arap- I have spent most of my life in Asia and Africa. My parents were
skog svijeta i Kine? engineers. They had lived and work in those regions since 1976 and
- Moji roditelji su inženjeri i od 1976. su živjeli po tim kra- I grew up there. I graduated in Malaysia, finished my postgraduate
jevima, gdje sam i odrastao. Fakultet sam završio u Maleziji, studies in Japan. I saw East Asia and huge energy over there. Today
a magistrirao u Japanu. Odakle ćemo dovoditi investitore? Iz it’s more than clear. Where we can find investors? Italy, Portugal,
Italije, Portugala, Španije? Ekonomske aktivnosti sele na Da- Spain? Business moves to East Asia, China is the leading global
leki Istok, Kina postaje jedna od vodećih ekonomija svijeta. economy, the factory of the world. There are no rice fields and
To je velika fabrika čitavog svijeta! Nema više rižnih polja i bicycles. India has strong IT. It’s not just China, we plan to attract
bicikala. Indija ima jak IT sektor. Uz Kinu planiramo privući i investors from other countries of the East. Capital in banks in Bosnia
druge zemlje sa Istoka. Pazite, u bh. bankama je oko 60 po- and Herzegovina comes from Austria, about 60 per cent. This link
sto kapitala iz Austrije. Neka se nastavi taj „link“ sa Evropom i with Europe should continue and all those banks should attract
neka sve te banke dovode investitore iz Evrope. Ali, hajde da investors from Europe. But we should make corridors to the East,
pravimo koridore i prema istoku, prema Kini i Indiji, zemlja- to the China and India, former USSR’s countries… Azerbaijan is
ma bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza. Azerbejdžan je ogromna i jaka big and powerful economy, but can we attract investors from this
ekonomija, imamo li potencijal da radimo s njima? Možemo, country? Yes, we can! Today there is Sarajevo Business Forum, and
tu je SBF i pravimo nove ideje i alternative, te nova tržišta. we have new ideas and new markets.
20 MART / MARCH 2017.