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Intervju / Interview

                  BI već godinama posluje u Bo-
                  sni i Hercegovini po principima
             Bislamskog bankarstva, a jedan od
              najvažnijih projekata ove institucije je
              i Sarajevo Business Forum. Iskustvo u
              investicijama i razvoju novih vrijed-
              nosti zasigurno je diferenciralo ovu
              banku od konkurencije. O ovim, ali i
              nizu drugih tema, razgovarali smo sa
              direktorom Amerom Bukvićem.
              Kakva je za BBI banku bila poslovna
              2016. godina po ključnim parametrima?
                - Ostvarili smo rekordan rezultat, re-
              kordnu veličinu aktive, rekordan profit,
              rekordan rast portfolija! Ušli smo u ka-
              tegoriju srednjih banaka i najbrže smo
              rastuća banka u BiH. Tržište je prepo-
              znalo sve što smo radili na promociji
              najboljih mogućih uslova i za firme i
              za pojedince. To što smo islamska ban-
              ka diferencira nas od drugih banaka.
              Šta znači biti islamska banka? Znači
              biti banka integrisana sa privredom i
              da iza svake transakcije postoji realna   BUKVIĆ:
              vrijednost. Pokušavamo da budemo   BBI banka
              partner našim klijentima u pronalasku   doživjela   osna Bank International (BBI) has been operated in Bosnia and
                                               je veliku
              tržišta i  investicija.          ekspanziju     Herzegovina guided by principles of Islamic Banking for many years.
                                                         BOne of the most important projects of this financial institution
              Najavili ste saradnju sa vladama Tu-  BUKVIĆ: BBI   is “Sarajevo Business Forum”. The bank gained a lot of experience in
                                               has had big
              zlanskog i Kantona Sarajevo te Opći-  expansion  investment and creating new values and this is what distinguishes BBI
              nom Centar u ekonomskom konsal-             from a competition. This month we talked to Amer Bukvić, chief executive
              tingu. Šta očekujete od te saradnje?        officer of Bosna Bank International.
                - Prioritet nam je razvoj privrede i
              tržišta na kojem poslujemo. To se ne        When it comes to the key financial parameters, how do you evaluate the
              može ostvariti bez saradnje između          year 2016?
              javnog i privatnog sektora, a banka ne        - Results, size of assets, profit, and growth of portfolio were the highest
              može prosperirati bez tržišta. Tržište      recorded! Today BBI is in the category of medium-sized banks in B&H.
              se teško može širiti bez koordinacije       In the past ten years BBI has been the fastest-growing bank. The B&H
              regulatora, odnosno vlada. Želimo da        market recognised what we were doing. We have promoted the best
              im pomognemo u osmišljavanju pro-           conditions for the companies and individuals. The fact that BBI is Islamic
              jekata za novo tržište, od kojeg bi svi     bank distinguishes it from other banks in B&H. moreover, BBI is integrated
              imali koristi: građani, firme, finansijski   with the economy and there is a real value behind every transaction. We
              sektor, a na kraju i te vlade od većih      try to be a partner, to find a market and an investor.
              poreznih osnova.
                                                          BBI announced the consultancy cooperation with governments of Sarajevo
                                                          Canton, Tuzla Canton and Sarajevo Centar Municipality. What do you
                                                          expect from this cooperation?
                                                           - Our priority is a further growth of economy and market. There will be no
                                                          benefit if there is no cooperation between private and public sector. There
                How to prepare for investors              will be no prosperity for a bank without market growth, investments and
                                                          projects. Market will not grow if there is not a coordination of regulators,
                                                          governments respectively. BBI would like to help governments with
                It’s very important to be prepared for investors,   projects. It would be a benefit for citizens, companies and financial sector,
                and people are most important resource. We have   and governments would collect more taxes too.
                to invest in new generations and make long-term
                plans. We have to expect that successful investors   How do you evaluate the current implementation of the project “40 millions
                do long-term plans. Don’t try to get rich overnight.   of BAM for the economy in Sarajevo Canton”?
                Make corridors that will create new values in long-  - I would say we have had a very good result. There was a tender.
                term period. We need quality staff, ideas, projects   Cantonal government called banks to support small and medium-sized
                                                          enterprises (SMEs) in Sarajevo Canton. Banks applied but BBI offered the
                and implementation. We have to equip our teams.   best terms and won. Basically, this is a cooperation of public and private
                Don’t look where the ball is now, but where it will be.  sector. The government gives subsidies to companies, and bank gives
                                                          loans. BBI offers 40 millions of BAM, Cantonal government 1.9 million BAM,

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