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Saobraćaj / Transportation
Kajmaković: Ambiciozni projekti
Kajmaković: Ambitious projects
eđunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo predstavlja ne samo arajevo International Airport is not just the main link of
glavnu vezu Bosne i Hercegovine sa ostatkom svi- Bosnia and Herzegovina with the world, but it has become
Mjeta, već postaje prepoznatljiv brend na domaćoj i Sa recognizable local and international brand.
međunarodnoj sceni. U protekloj godini zabilježen je kon- Last year there were a steady growth of passengers, three records,
stantan rast usluženih putnika, čak tri rekorda na tom polju and a substantial financial gain.
i ostvarena značajna finansijska dobit. Uprava sa direktorom CEO Armin Kajmaković and airport’s management plan to
Arminom Kajmakovićem na čelu planira proširenje kapaci- expand the airport capacity and strength the leading role on
teta i jačanje liderske uloge ovog preduzeća na bh. tržištu. B&H market. Ten years ago the airport recorded more than half
Prije 10 godina Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo prvi put je a million passengers. There were nearly 850,000 passengers in
opslužio više od pola miliona putnika u jednoj godini, već u 2016. Data from the January 2017 indicate new records. Airport
2016. godini dosegao gotovo 850.000 putnika. Podaci iz pr- is the first impression of Bosnia and Herzegovina that tourists
vog mjeseca ove godine ukazuju da će i 2017. biti rekordna. gain. Therefore, it is important that the first image is not only
Aerodrom za većinu turista, koji dolaze iz zemalja izvan ovog positive, but impressive. This task has been successfully achieved.
regiona, predstavlja prvi susret sa BiH i njihov prvi utisak o Sarajevo International Airport is a key link for many B&H exporters
našoj zemlji. Bitno je da ta prva slika bude ne samo pozitiv- with the world markets, and it would not have been possible
na, već impresivna, a iz same posjete jasno je da se taj zada- without such an airport that has constantly improved its business.
tak uspješno ostvaruje. On predstavlja i sponu za izvoznike
na svjetska tržišta, što ne bi bilo moguće bez unapređenja RECORDS
u poslovanju. CEO Kajmaković is proud of this success. In eleven months of
REKORDI 2016 the airport recorded more passengers than in 2015. At
the beginning of December 2016 the 800,000th passenger
Direktor Kajmaković je ponosan na prošlogodišnje uspjehe i flew from the airport. In August the airport set a new record,
ostvarene prihode. Broj putnika iz 2015. godine premašen je with 118,350 passengers. Airport have had 8.5 per cent annual
već u novembru 2016, a početkom decembra na aerodromu growth. Zagreb, Ljubljana and Belgrade airports haven’t had
su ispratili svoju 800.000. putnicu. Postavljen je i rekord po growth higher than 6.9 per cent.
broju putnika u jednom mjesecu, ostvaren je godišnji rast These are impressive and very important indicators for the
od preko 8,5 posto, a aerodromi Zagreb, Ljubljana i Beograd economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are results of efforts
u protekle tri godine nisu zabilježili rast veći od 6,9 posto. to attract new airlines to Sarajevo, such as the Air Arabia, with
MART / MARCH 2017. 23