Page 27 - Visit 1
P. 27
Saobraćaj / Transportation
Potrebna rekonstrukcija piste
Runway has to be reconstructed
Borba sa maglom Struggling in the fog
Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo od osnivanja se bori sa Sarajevo International Airport has struggled in a fog and with cancellations of flights
maglom i otkazivanjem letova, što se negativno odražava since its opening. It has had a negative impact on revenues. Other airports are in the
na prihode, pa su drugi aerodromi u povoljnijem položa- better position. Sarajevo International Airport has ILS Category I, but this equipment
ju. O kakvom problemu se radi pokazuje i podatak da je is fully efficient in such a geographical position when there is sub-cooled fog. In
jedan od najvećih i najmodernijih aerodroma u svijetu, January an anti-fog system was tested. That system was effective during the Olympics.
aerodrom u Dubaiju, tokom novogodišnjih praznika imao - The test was successful, but we will know whether we will have this system for
na stotine otkazanih letova, upravo zbog gustih magli. dispersing fog or not after few more analyses. It is necessary to upgrade some parts
Aerodrom Sarajevo posjeduje opremu ILS I kategorije, of NAV equipment as well. We work with BHANSA on it,” Kajmaković said.
ali ona u ovakvom geografskom položaju i uvjetima
pothlađene magle, ne može ostvariti punu efikasnost.
Tokom januara vršeno je testiranje Anti-fog sistema, koji
se pokazao učinkovit još za vrijeme trajanja Olimpijade.
- Testiranje se pokazalo uspješnim, ali će nakon dodat- better. Airport has intensified a cooperation with municipalities
nih analiza biti poznato hoće li Međunarodni aerodrom of Ilidža and Novi Grad and insisted that the airport should have
Sarajevo od iduće zime imati i ovaj sistem kojim će se the best possible connection to Highway Vc. Kajmaković recalls
rastjerivati magla. Rješavanje ovih problema zahtijeva the importance of the airport to the economy of Bosnia and
ozbiljan pristup, u čijem rješavanju ulogu imaju i nadlež- Herzegovina. More and more trade is done by airplanes, and
ne institucije, jer potrebno je unapređivanje određenih investment in the airport capacity will result in multiple benefits
segmenata radionavigacionih uređaja. Na tome radimo in general. Local companies will do most of the construction
work, so there will be multiple benefit for our economy. Finally,
zajedno prvenstveno sa BHANSA-om - kaže Kajmaković. benefits come with tourism. An increase of the flow of tourists
will have positive effects.
26 MART / MARCH 2017.