Page 25 - Visit 1
P. 25
Saobraćaj / Transportation
Ovi impresivni, za ekonomiju BiH izuzetno značajni pokaza- a new regular line Sarajevo - Sharja as well as extending the
telji, rezultat su ogromnih napora uloženih u dovođenje no- existing line.
vih aviokompanija u Sarajevo, poput „Air Arabie“, sa novom The most famous European low-cost company Wizz Air will fly
redovnom linijom Sarajevo – Šarža te proširivanja postojećih to Sarajevo International Airport in less than a month, on the
linija. Ubrzo će sa Međunarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo pole- line Sarajevo - Budapest - Sarajevo.
tjeti najpoznatija evropska niskobudžetna kompanija „Wizz “Traffic growth, especially growth that is anticipated in the
Air“, na liniji Sarajevo – Budimpešta – Sarajevo. future, requires a larger capacity and services,” Kajmaković said.
- Ovakav rast prometa, pogotovo rast koji se predviđa u na-
rednom periodu, zahtijeva i veće prostorne kapacitete svih EXPANSION
pratećih službi i servisa - kaže Kajmaković. He underlined that the existing infrastructure would not be
able to meet the needs of passengers and traffic in the future.
PROŠIRENJA Terminal building B was made for one million passengers per
year. Sarajevo International Airport will realize that the number
On potcrtava da postojeća infrastruktura uskoro neće moći this year, so a boosting airport capacity is imposed as a priority.
zadovoljiti potrebe putnika i prometa na Međunarodnom It must not affect the regular airline operations.
aerodromu Sarajevo. Pristanišna zgrada Terminala B je prav- The airport will build additional 9.000 square meters four floors
ljena za milion putnika godišnje. terminal for registration of passengers and baggage, customs,
Kako će se Međunarodni aerodrom Sarajevo već u ovoj go- security, passport and sanitary controls on arrivals and departures,
dini približiti toj brojci, proširenje se nameće kao prioritet- waiting rooms for boarding passengers, ambulance, security
ni strateški projekt. Izvođenje radova ne smije utjecati na screening of baggage, waiting rooms, restaurants, duty free
redovno obavljanje aviooperacija. Proširenjem će se dobiti shops, offices, space for religious purposes and other services.
dodatnih cca 9.000m2 prostora na četiri etaže za potrebe: Today’s runway was reconstructed in 1998, after the end of war.
registracije putnika i prtljaga, carinske, sigurnosne, pasoš- Lifetime is about 20 years, and now the runway is being tested
ke i sanitarne kontrole na dolasku i u odlasku, čekaonice za and prepared for reconstruction.
ukrcavanje putnika, hitne pomoći, sigurnosnog pregleda Kajmaković insists not only on trends, but also on predictions
i preuzimanja prtljaga, čekaonice, ugostiteljskih sadržaja, and airport seeks its market position. Strong growth of tourism
Duty Free Shopa, kancelarijskih, komercijalnih i prostora za in B&H is expected and therefore it is necessary to expand the
vjerske te potrebe drugih pratećih službi. capacity of airport which is a key point for the flow of tourists.
Današnja pista posljednji put je rekonstruirana još 1998. go- Export growth is also expected, especially after B&H get candidate
dine, nakon okončanja ratnih dejstava na ovom aerodromu. status for membership in the European Union that will gradually
Vijek trajanja nakon takve rekonstrukcije je oko 20 godina, open a huge market for B&H products. The new routes will
pa se vrše analize i pripreme za sanaciju. be introduced after B&H joins the EU and NATO, because the
Kajmaković insistira ne samo na praćenju trendova, već i na country will expand and develop. It is expected that this airport
24 MART / MARCH 2017.