Page 32 - Visit 1
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Biznis / Business

                                                                                           Druženje na heliodromu
                                                                                              Bosmala u Sarajevu
                                                                                              A party on Bosmal’s
                                                                                              heliport in Sarajevo

              koje pravilan i blagovremen razvoj i primjena     technology, but it had been a part of our daily lives, that IT
              IT-a može pružiti turizmu kao jednoj, pored       made our lives easier, more accessible, and modern, and was
              softverske industrije, najbrže rastućoj grani u   closely connected with all parts of life. As such, it has a huge
              Kantonu Sarajevu. Sa IT komponentom, turi-        potential, and not only in industry. IT is an active engine of
              zam u KS i cijeloj BiH može doseći neslućene      agriculture, public infrastructure, private and public companies,
              razmjere svog razvoja i opće koristi za druš-     as well as culture, tourism and many other sectors. In particular,
              tvo u cjelini – rekao je Saračević.               I would like to mention a huge potential that proper and timely
                                                                development and apps can provide to tourism. IT is the fastest
              DOPRINOS LOKALNOJ ZAJEDNICI                       growing industry in the Canton of Sarajevo. Tourism in Canton
                                                                of Sarajevo and in B&H can reach unimaginable proportions
              Ono na šta su u ovoj kompaniji posebno po-        and be a general benefit to society as a whole”, Saračević said.
              nosni je i doprinos lokalnoj zajednici. Jedan
              od takvih poteza je i razvijanje aplikacije za
              Muzej ratnog djetinjstva u Sarajevu.              SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP
              - Za taj muzej smo razvili modernu aplikaciju,
              i to je bio naš poklon toj instituciji koju veo-  The company is particularly proud of its contributions to the
              ma cijenimo, ideji iza koje stoje, ali i poklon   local community, such is the development of an application
              našem Gradu. Ovim je Muzej ratnog djetinj-        for the Museum of War Childhood in Sarajevo.
              stva postao jedini u regiji koji ima tu vrstu mo-  “We developed modern app for the museum. We gave the
              derne aplikacije koja posjetioce interaktivno     institution and the idea we greatly appreciate the app as a gift.
              vodi kroz muzejske eksponate. Također, ovim       It was also a tribute to our city. The Museum of war childhood
              projektom smo željeli poslati poruku da ne        is the only one in the region that has this modern app which
              smijemo zaboraviti svoju prošlost, ali da uvi-    leads visitors interactively through the museum. We want to
              jek moramo biti okrenuti ka budućnosti – i        send a message that we cannot forget our history, but we always
              to smo pokazali razvojem ovog softverskog         have to be focused on the future as well. We have shown it
              rješenja – kazao je Saračević.                    throught this software solution,” Saračević said.

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