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Uspjesi / Successes

               1                                                        1      Kačkavalj najviše troše Crnogorci
                                                                               Montenegrins favour “Kačkavalj” cheese

                                                                        2      Sve je automatizirano
                                                                               Automated production

                                                                          Dairy products

                                                                          Pađeni Dairy can boasts of its range of quality products.
                                                                          The market has recognised them. It produces milk, sour
                                                                          creams, yoghurts, fresh cheeses, Hercegovački sitni sir
                                                                          (Herzegovinian grainy cheese), Meka šnita (Soft slices
                                                                          cheese) etc.
                                                                           There are traditional kajmak (sour cream spreads), kajmak
                                                                          iz mijeha (sack sour cream spreads) and the delicious –sir
                                                                          iz mijeha (sack cheese). Hercegovačka šnita (Herzegovi-
                                                                          nian slice cheese), kačkavalj cheese (Caciocavallo) and
                                                                          buffet-style cheese are very popular too. Milk products
                                                                          undergo varying degrees of deterioration during storage
                                                                          so they are controlled all the time. Kajmak (sour cream)
                                                                          ripens 24+24 hours, and after that it is drained out and
               2                                                          packed. Kačkavalj cheese ripens 7 to 15 days and it has
                                                                          to be tumbled and brushed during that period.
                                                                          Expiration period of this cheese is usually 90 days. Sir
                                                                          iz mijeha is made only in summer during grazing time
                                                                          and is made from milk that tastes of grass.

                                                                the dairy. There are two agricultural engineers working with
                                                                farmers as well.
                                                                - This cooperation is very important. That’s why we process
                                                                more than 80 percent of ‘extra class’ milk last year. This year we
                                                                expect it to be 90 percent. Sour creams, yoghurts and spreads
                                                                require high quality milk”, Rogač said.
                                                                “We test milk in our laboratory where we control the quality
                                                                and then we send milk to the tanks and pasteurizers. We clean
                                                                pasteurizers using water, than soda, than water, than special
                                                                acid and water again. In this order. At the end we clean them
              spremnike, potom u pasterizatore. Veoma bitno je i pranje   with a disinfectant in order to destroy bacteria. The process is
              pasterizatora. Vrši se sljedećim redom: voda-soda-voda-kise-  fully automatized.”
              lina-voda, a na kraju sve se dezinficira. Sve je automatizirano,   Nenad said he fought on the EU market alone.
              pa je mogućnost greške gotovo nikakva.            “There are no use of trade chamber or other chambers. At the
              I dok Nenad Vukoje traži tržište u EU, jer od privrednih komora   same time we address demands of main retailers in Bosnia and
              nema nikakve koristi, „pokriveni“ su svi veliki trgovački lanci u   Herzegovina”, he added.
              Bosni i Hercegovini. Izvoz u Crnu Goru čini 6 posto proizvodnje,   Pađeni Dairy exports six percent (500.000 euros) of its products
              a Crnogorci su veliki potrošači kačkavalja. Vrijednost izvoza je   to Montenegro. Montenegrins favour kačkavalj, cheese tastes
              oko 500.000 eura, a sa naplatom nema teškoća. Dogovara se   like Italian Caciocavallo. The company plans a big breakthrough
              i proširenje te saradnje, a ove godine slijedi i veliki prodor u   in Macedonia and Slovenia.
              Makedoniju i Sloveniju.                           That’s why Radomirka and Nenad Vukoje are a paradigm of the
              Radomirka i Nenad Vukoje su primjer kako vrijedni ljudi sa vi-  diligent people with a vision and why this dairy has a bright future.
              zijom imaju svijetlu budućnost. Za svoje mjesto pod ovim ne-  They have fought for their place under this sky, worked hard
              bom morali su se sami izboriti. Napornim radom, jer samo je-  and took just one day off – Christmas.
              dan dan u godini im je neradni - onaj za Božić! Sretnim ih čini   Their two sons and daughter decided to continue the business
              što su njihovim putem odlučila krenuti i djeca - dva sina i kćer-  and didn’t move to bigger cities, like many of their age did.
              ka. Nisu pohrlili u velike gradove poput brojnih vršnjaka. To je   This is a picture of better, positive Bosnia and Herzegovina in
              primjer bolje, pozitivne BiH, kojoj budućnost ne smije zavisiti   which the future must not be dependent on politics, but the
              od politike nego od ekonomije.                    economy.

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