Page 10 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 10


            FOREWORD                                     10

           INTRODUCTION                                   18

           A call to all people of conscience

           DANGER FACING THE ISLAMIC WORLD               32

           The anti-Islamic alliance facing Muslims

           CHECHNYA                                       46
           Oppression as the whole world watches

           PALESTINE                                      70

           What should be the Muslim perspective
           regarding Israel and the Jews?

           KASHMIR                                       94
           The Muslims of Kashmir are waiting
           for help

           EAST TURKESTAN                               106
           Savagery hidden by the communist
           Chinese Government

           BOSNIA, KOSOVO AND MACEDONIA                 123

           The peoples of the Balkans dragged from
           one war to another

           ALGERIA                                      140
           The bloody toll of endless cruelty
           and oppression

           TUNISIA                                      156

           A people oppressed solely for their

           ERITREA - ETHIOPIA                           162
           Muslims want peace and security
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