Page 13 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 13
themselves with their own affairs forgetting all about the ruth-
less killing of innocent people, the murder of children, the
burning and destruction of people's homes and all the people
forced to live in refugee camps. Some people sometimes say
how distressing they find all this suffering, talk about it for
hours on end and even write about it but hang back when it
comes to establishing a solution that will put an end to it.
Other people look for the solution in the wrong place, imagin-
ing that they can find the answer through terror and violence,
even though that is totally incompatible with the moral values
of the Qur'an and the Sunna of our Prophet (saas).
The fact is, however, that Allah has clearly shown
Muslims the path to salvation in the Qur'an and in the hadiths
of our Prophet (saas). That path consists of Muslims being
united, in the knowledge that the whole Muslim world are
brothers, and of the establishment of Turkish-Islamic Union.
Turkish-Islamic Union is the Solution that
will Stop the Bloodshed
Unity lies at the heart of Islamic moral values. As Allah
reveals in the Qur'an, "…If you do not act in this way (do not
help one another and become friends) there will be turmoil
in the land and great corruption." (Surat al-Anfal: 73), believ-
ers must be friends and allies, united and unified, for the cor-
ruption in the world to come to an end. The Turkish-Islamic
world must demand this union. Failure to demand union
means demanding division instead, and division is of no use
to the Turkish-Islamic world. Muslims' strength, power and
best interests all lie in unity. As can be seen in detail in the
pages that follow, the sufferings in some parts of the Muslim
world do not stem from the outside world alone, and there are
conflicts between Muslims of different ethnic origins, sects or
cultures – in complete violation of Islamic moral values. It is