Page 15 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 15
tightly to one another like the bricks of a building.
Therefore, to do the exact opposite, in other words;
• To be divisive instead of unifying,
• Not to treat one's Muslim brothers with love and affection,
• Not to be forgiving, protective and mindful of one's Muslim
brothers, and
• Not to be bonded to Muslims in the intellectual struggle against
denial is a sin.
If the Islamic world wants to erect a powerful, stable, and prosper-
ous civilization that guides and illuminates the world in every aspect, it
must act in union. The lack of such a union is responsible for the Islamic
world's discord and separation, the absence of a common voice, and the
defenselessness of innocent Muslims. Countless poor women, children,
and elderly people are desperately in need of rescue from oppression in
Palestine, Kashmir, East Turkestan (home of the Chinese-ruled Muslim
Uighur people), the southern Philippines (home of the Muslim Moro
people) and many other regions. The responsibility for these people be-
longs to the Islamic world before anyone else. Muslims must never for-
get the Prophet's (saas) following words:
"A Muslim is a Muslim's brother. He does not wrong him or aban-
don him."
The fact that the Muslims have not been able to create a powerful
and active Islamic Union is a major contributor to many of today's ills.
When a strong Turkish-Islamic Union is formed, such problems will ei-
ther not arise or will be resolved far quicker than anticipated.
It is perfectly natural for there to be different cultures, traditions
and conceptions in the Islamic world. What really matters is that this di-
versity must be united under the umbrella of faith and on the basis of
mutual understanding and solidarity. Differences of thought, practice,
or point of view are normal and common in all societies. Islamic moral-
ity requires that Muslims never forget that they are all brothers and sis-
ters, irrespective of their differences. Whatever the race, language,
nation, or branch of Islam one might follow, all Muslims are brothers
and sisters. Therefore, such differences must be appreciated as a source