Page 12 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 12

The Winter of


      and the Spring to Come                          FOREWORD

                                           T        he conditions and some of the
                                                    information set out in the first
                                                    edition of this book in 2001
                                                    have changed somewhat with
                                      the passage of time. However, the fact that
                                      there are Muslims all over the world who are
                                      oppressed, persecuted, martyred, crippled or
                                      forced to flee their homes has not altered. In
                                      preparing this edition of the book this has been
                                      borne in mind and some of the information has
                                      been brought up to date. However, those sec-
                                      tions not referring to a specific period of time,
                                      that address the conscience of everyone read-
                                      ing this book and that remind Muslims of their
                                      responsibility have been kept exactly the same.
                                          The situation of a large part of the Islamic
                                      world, described in detail in the course of this
                                      book will certainly disturb people of good con-
                                      science. But a great many people quickly forget
                                      this information they learn on the television, in
                                      the papers or over the internet and occupy
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