Page 16 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 16


               of richness instead of as a source of potential conflict and fragmenta-
               tion. Such a mistaken view only diverts one's attention from the real is-
               sues and delays urgently needed and important preventive action.
                    In their mutual relations, faith and good character are important,
               not race, ethnic origin, language, financial means, status, or office. Love
               between sincere believers develops through their fear and awareness of
               and true love for Allah, and good deeds and a good character. If people
               dedicate themselves to the path of Allah, follow it in all their actions
               and behavior, and do good in the hope of acquiring Allah's good plea-
               sure and mercy, other believers will love and respect them. As a result,
               their skin color, race, or financial status will be irrelevant and have no
               bearing on the love others feel for them. The same criteria must be true
               for relations between Muslim nations, which must be based on the
               Qur'anic insight.
                    If situations prevent them from doing so, they should consider the
               following questions:
                    "Is this issue more important than the unity of Islam?"
                    "Is it beyond resolution?"
                    "Is it acceptable to dispute with another Muslim community in-
               stead of working against irreligious ideologies?"
                    Everybody who answers these questions conscientiously will
               know that the higher priority is to refrain from endless disputes and to
               establish a union based on the Qur'an's values.
                    The Islamic world must put its various disputes aside and remem-
               ber that all Muslims are "brothers" and "sisters" so that it can provide
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