Page 19 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 19
the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, a corruption of darkness and smoke was
seen when the Twin Towers in America were attacked on September 11,
the rulers of Sham and Egypt were killed, Azerbaijan was invaded, the
comet Lulin, which had two tails and flew in the opposite direction to all
other comets, was seen and hundreds of other portents have all come
about. These things are all proof we are in the age of Hazrat Mahdi (as).
In this holy age foretold by our Prophet (saas) it is unacceptable for
any sincere Muslim who follows our Prophet (saas) not to seek Hazrat
Mahdi (as) and prepare the way for him by striving for the unity, union
and salvation of the Islamic world. The whole Islamic world must be
united in the fervor and excitement of living in the age of Hazrat Mahdi
(as), must seek out Hazrat Mahdi (as) and must strive for the world to
attain peace, calm and prosperity with him being instrumental. It must
not be forgotten that the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the global
dominion of the moral values of Islam is the destiny ordained by Allah.
Allah will make Hazrat Mahdi (as) successful whether people support
him or not. Through him, He will eliminate all the corruption of denial
and will impose the dominion of Islamic morality. Therefore, everyone
who intends to be one of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) helpers and strives to be-
come one, who desires the unity of the Turkish-Islamic world and who
wages an intellectual struggle for the salvation of Muslims who are op-
pressed all over the world, is actually striving for himself. As our Lord re-
veals in Surat al'Ankabut, "Whoever strives [in the way of Allah]
does it entirely for himself. Allah is Rich Beyond Need of any
being." (Surat al-'Ankabut: 6)