Page 24 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 24


                                                  STRUGGLE THROUGH
                                                    KNOWLEDGE AND


                                                      REPORTER: Yes, could you
                                             talk about terror a bit? There are suicide
                                          attacks taking place in Afghanistan. Is that
                                          acceptable in Islam? Can one wage jihad
                                          by killing oneself?

                    ADNAN OKTAR: What need is there for suicide? For one thing,
               suicide is a sin. To kill an innocent person for no reason is something
               deserving a punishment of eternal hell. Someone who kills himself has
               killed a human being and thus committed a terrible sin, and since he de-
               parts without repenting he risks spending eternity in hell. That is why a
               Muslim should educate, rather than kill himself, and increase his
               knowledge, love, affection, compassion and strength, and should go
               and preach to people. There is no need to go and bomb people. Go
               and preach to them, tell them about Islam. There was a period, as you
               know, in the early years of our Prophet's (saas) coming when he did not
               reveal himself. They began preaching in secret, and only later openly.
               They were insulted, oppressed, beaten and sworn at, they were alien-
               ated and subjected to sanctions, and they even abandoned their country
               and migrated to another. They preached amid all these many difficul-
                  ties, and Muslims must preach in the same way, preaching and ex-
                      plaining. But they cannot be of any use by bombing and
                          hanging people. That is wrong. It is incompatible with the
                              Qur'an, with the moral values of the Qur'an and with
                                  logic and reason.
                                          If they open madrassas, that is great,
                                          masha'Allah. Let them explain faith and
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