Page 25 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 25

the religion and talk about science. They can
            work against Darwinism and demolish its philoso-
            phies and engage in serious intellectual activities against
            Marxism, Leninism, communism and fascism. Let them raise
            their levels of culture, wear spotless clothes and spread moral
            virtues all around. That is how to spread Islam. But there is no room
            in Islam for shedding the blood of innocent people with nothing to
            do with anything, bombing them and tearing them to bits. These are
            things our Prophet (saas) never encouraged, that have no place in the
            Qur'an, were introduced subsequently are horribly ugly. And they
            are sinning through these ugly actions. The right thing to do is to make
            those madrassas into gardens of peace. To establish fine, modern
            madrassas, to teach and enlighten people there, isn't it? To spread love,
            peace, brotherhood, lovableness, humanity, eagerness to help others, in
            short, to teach and spread moral virtues. You cannot spread the faith
            by bombing people, that has the exact opposite effect. Terror is totally
            harmful. But the faith will snowball through activities of the kind I
            have described and these will cause Islam to rule the
            whole world, insha'Allah. (From Mr. Adnan Oktar's
            interview with Afghanistan Ayna, December 12,
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