Page 29 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 29


                 There is No Terror in Islam
                 Those who emerge today and carry out acts of terrorism in the
            name of Islam and those who back such acts, representing a tiny minor-
            ity in the world of Islam, stem from Darwinist, atheist and materialist
            ideologies, not from Islam itself. Failing to understand the essence of
            Islam, which is essentially a religion of peace and justice, they foolishly
            make it a tool of barbarism, which is simply an outcome of their social
            and cultural structure. The origin of this barbarism is Darwinism and
            materialism, and is the benighted initiatives of people who are devoid
            of love for their fellow human-beings.
                 It is a fact that, for the last few centuries, Muslims in all corners of
            the Islamic world, have been subjected to violence by some Western
            forces and their allies. The colonialist European states, local oppressive
            regimes or colonialists backed by certain Western circles have caused
            great suffering to Muslims at large. However, for Muslims, this is a sit-
            uation that has to be approached and responded to from a purely
            Qur'anic stance.
                 In no part of the Qur'an does Allah command believers to respond
            to violence with violence. On the contrary, Allah commands Muslims to
            "respond to evil with goodness":
                 A good deed and a bad deed are not the same. Repel the bad with
                 something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone
                 else, he will be like a bosom friend. (Surah Fussilat: 34)
                 It is no doubt a legitimate right of Muslims to react against this cru-
            elty. However, these reactions should never turn into a blind hatred, an
            unjust enmity. Allah warns about this in the following verse:
                 ... Let not the hatred of a people [who once] obstructed you from the
                 Sacred Mosque lead you to transgress. Help one another in benevo-
                 lence and piety, and help not one another in sin and transgression…
                 (Surat Al-Ma'ida: 2)
                 Consequently, carrying out terrorist acts against the innocent peo-
            ple of other nations under the pretence of "representing the innocent
            nations in the world", is by no means compatible with Islam.
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