Page 34 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 34

The Winter of                                    DANGER

            ISLAM                                    FACING THE

      and the Spring to Come                ISLAMIC WORLD

                                                        The anti-Islamic

                                             alliance facing Muslims

                                            S      ubsequent chapters of this book
                                                   will examine the Islamic world
                                                   country by country, and will re-
                                        veal the oppression and cruelty inflicted on
                                        Muslims. Before that, however, we need to
                                        look at the roots of the attacks directed at the
                                        Muslim world.
                                             The area known as the Islamic world
                                        consists of those countries which have a ma-
                                        jority Muslim population. It stretches from
                                        Morocco and Mauritania in the West and as
                                        far as Indonesia in the East. The great major-
                                        ity, some 1,5 billions, of the people living in
                                        the region are Muslims. Over the last 200
                                        years, they have come face-to-face with at-
                                        tacks, oppression, and terror and have even
                                        been massacred because they are Muslims.
                                        That is because many Muslims have been
                                        obliged to live under some non-Muslim
                                        regimes, which look with hatred at Islam.
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