Page 35 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 35
When we look at the Islamic world today, we can clearly see that
there is an effort to crush, oppress and eliminate Muslims in Bosnia,
Algeria, Tunisia, Eritrea, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kashmir, East
Turkestan, Chechnya, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar and Sudan.
At first glance, the Muslims in these different regions may seem to be
facing different threats. The Serbs in Bosnia, the Hindus in Kashmir,
and the oppressive regimes in countries such as Algeria, Egypt and
Morocco all target Muslims. Yet these anti-Islamic forces, which appear
independent from one another, all act with a similar logic, follow simi-
lar strategies and employ similar methods. The singular factor they all
have in common is that they act out of religious morals but have mate-
rialist and Darwinist natures.
These forces which deny the existence of Allah and see divine reli-
gions as the greatest threat for their own systems that oppose religious
moral values and so declare violent wars on religion and believers, ac-
tually represent atheist ideologies. That is why the real threat facing
Muslims and all sincere believers who have faith in one Allah is not ac-
tually some nations or various oppressive regimes, but the understand-
ing that affects the world in general while covering ateist, materialist
and Darwinist ideologies and also the people who carry these out. The
roots of this oppression of Muslim people draw nourishment from
atheism and go back a very long way.
Colonialism and Opposition to Islam
The Islamic world was not always in such a position. A few hun-
dred years ago, it was ruled by Muslim empires. At the start of the
1700s almost all of the Islamic world was governed by three great em-
pires. There was the Mogul Empire in India, while the Safavid Empire
ruled Iran and its surrounding area. The third and greatest power was
the Ottoman Empire, which held sway over the entire Balkan Peninsula
as well as Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), Mesopotamia (modern-day
Iraq and Syria), the Arabian Peninsula, and North Africa.
However, these three empires gradually disappeared from world