Page 40 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 40
gies that emerged entirely in the nineteenth century, and were prac-
ticed to the greatest extent in the twentieth century. Communism began
with the theory of dialectical materialism proposed by Marx and Engels
in the nineteenth century, although the first communist regime was not
installed until 1917, in Russia.
One can say that only Western colonialism goes back to earlier cen-
turies, although it then consisted of limited economic initiatives and
again came to a position of global domination with its philosophy and
ideological foundations in the nineteenth century.
This shows us that the enemy of the world of Islam is not this or
that nation or civilization (Western civilization, for instance), but the
"ideologies" that turned these nations or civilizations into bloody op-
pressors. These ideologies dominated a great part of the world in the
nineteenth century, and brought cruelty and savagery with them wher-
ever they held dominion. It was actually these ideologies that occupied,
divided, plundered, enslaved and slaughtered the Muslim world.
When we look at these three ideologies, we see that what lies be-
hind all of them is keeping Western civilisation from religious moral
values. Each of them emerged as the Western world moved away from
a belief in Allah and religion and began to take on a materialist world-
One important truth confirming this is that each of these three ide-
ologies is based on Darwin's theory of evolution, which was portrayed
as the so-called scientific basis of atheism.
The Links between Darwinism, Colonialism
and Fascism
Darwinism is the so-called scientific foundation of colonialism.
That is because Darwin placed the various categories of the human race
at different levels in his imaginary evolutionary process. He foolishly
considered the European white race to be the most advanced, and por-
trayed Asian and African tribes as being almost at the same levels as the
apes. Furthermore, although he had no scientific support, he suggested
that all of mankind was in a constant state of conflict and a fight for sur-