Page 32 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 32
ADNAN OKTAR: All those who perpetrated the September 11 attacks
were people who had received a Darwinist, materialist and atheist education,
who had been educated in Europe and who held materialist views. Their iden-
tity papers may describe them as Muslims, but that is irrelevant. There used to
be communists in Palestine, there used to be communists in Syria and there
used to be communists in Iraq, but Alhamdulillah these countries have now
all become very devout. But it makes no difference whether someone who has
been raised as a Marxist and who has received a left-wing, Darwinist, materi-
alist education is called Hassan or Mehmet. A materialist is a materialist. An
action carried out by a Darwinist, a materialist, is a Darwinist, materialist ac-
tion. It is a Marxist action. There is therefore no sense in ascribing it to
Muslims. In other words, when we look at the people who perpetrate terrorist
actions of all kinds, we inevitably see they have had a Darwinist education.
We see they have had a materialist education. Can someone who fears Allah,
who loves Allah with all his heart, who believes in the Hereafter and who be-
lieves in Paradise and Hell possibly bomb innocent women and children?
What kind of courage is that? Could someone who fears Allah have the
strength to do that? They could not even conceive of such a thing. It would
never enter their minds, let alone actually carrying it out. The people who do
these things are generally of the kind I have described, people who have had a
religious education but who hold Darwinist, materialist views. We cannot put
this down to Islam. The cause of terror is Darwinism and materialism. There is
Marxism-Leninism. Terror is a precondition in Leninist thinking. Marxism is
theoretical communism and Leninism is applied communism. It is communist
thought in action. Lenin says the way to put it into practice is through terror.
Lenin cannot imagine a communism without terror. Terror is essential in clas-
sical Marxist and Leninist thinking. These people just do what is necessary.
Look, they are former members of the Baath Party and people trained
by them. Iraqi and Syrian Baathists all received a Marxist-Leninist and
Stalinist education. Iraq in particular is riddled with Stalinists.
Violence is one of the main elements of Stalinism. There is no
Stalinism without violence. Iraqi head of state Saddam tried