Page 28 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 28


               ous times about this subject and by his own practice became a role
               model for others to follow. Indeed, he addressed believers who were
               about to go to war in the following terms: "Go to war in adherence to
               the religion of Allah. Never touch the elderly, women or children.
               Always improve their situation and be kind to them. Allah loves
               those who are sincere." The Messenger of Allah (saas) also clarified the
               attitude Muslims must adopt even when they are in the middle of a rag-
               ing battle:
                    Do not kill children. Avoid touching people who devote them-
                    selves to worship in churches! Never murder women and the el-
                    derly. Do not set trees on fire or cut them down. Never destroy

                    Suicide is Forbidden in Islam
                    Some people are gravely misinformed about Islam, believing that
               this religion of peace permits suicide bombings; nothing could be fur-
               ther from the truth. In fact, Islam forbids a Muslim from taking his or
               her life, just as it forbids taking somebody else's life. Allah explicitly
               condemns suicide: "do not kill yourselves" (Surat an-Nisa':29), regard-
               less of the reason. The Prophet also told his Companions that suicide
               leads one to eternal damnation:
                    Whoever purposely throws himself from a mountain and kills him-
                    self will be in the (Hell) Fire falling down into it and abiding
                    therein perpetually forever. Whoever drinks poison and kills him-
                    self with it, he will be carrying his poison in his hand and drinking
                    it in the (Hell) Fire, wherein he will abide eternally forever.
                    Whoever kills himself with an iron weapon will be carrying that
                    weapon in his hand and stabbing his abdomen with it in the (Hell)
                    Fire, wherein he will abide eternally forever. (Sahih Bukhari Hadiths)
                    As explained in the hadith, committing suicide and engaging in
               suicide bombings – not to mention killing innocent people thereby – vi-
               olates the moral values in Qur'an.
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