Page 23 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 23
with it, propagating the morality of the Qur'an, and waging a war of
ideas against atheism…
Those who take on that honorable duty will free all those who are
oppressed in the world by the guidance of the Qur'an:
... A Light has come to you from Allah and a Clear Book. By it, Allah
guides those who follow what pleases Him to the ways of Peace. He
will bring them from the darkness to the light by His permission,
and guide them to a straight path. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 15-16)
The intention behind this book is to lay bare the plight of innocent
Muslims all over the world, and to invite people of conscience to con-
sider this situation and seek a solution. This is not a time to remain
silent, behave uncaringly, dedicate ourselves to the petty benefits of this
world and kill time with pointless debates and squabbles. At a time
when millions of Muslims are suffering such terrible cruelty, it could be
an act of the greatest heedlessness to refuse to shoulder any burden for
Islam. There is also no doubt but that it will bring with it the gravest
consequences in the hereafter.