Page 17 - The Winter of Islam and the Spring to Come
P. 17


            role models who reflect the true character of Islam and its ideals. This
            unity of the believers is a gift and grace of Almighty Allah. Sincere
            Muslims must thank our Lord for these benefits and obey His com-
            mand "not to separate."

                 To Abide by the Path Shown by Our Prophet (saas)

                 Our Prophet (saas) has described the End Times in which we are
            living in considerable detail. One of the main features of the End Times
            is that, in that period Muslims will face many difficulties, troubles and
            pains. That is because, as our Prophet (saas) reveals, this period is one
            in which irreligion will spread, materialist and Darwinist ideologies
            will engage in intensive propaganda. During this period many people
            will abandon religious moral values altogether, true believers will be
            few in number, Allah will be blatantly denied (surely Allah is beyond
            that), Islamic countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan will be invaded,
            Muslims will be besieged in Bayt al-Maqdis, tyrannical rulers will op-
            press the public in many Islamic countries. In this period disorder and
            terror will enfold the world, corruption will spring up somewhere else
            as it dies down in one place and innocent people will be unjustly killed,
            women and children will be slaughtered, people will live in fear and
            terror and despite all this Muslims will still be fragmented. (For more
            detail in this subject, see
                 However, while warning Muslims in great detail about these prob-
            lems they will encounter, our Prophet (saas) has also shown them how
            they can be saved from these difficulties. Almighty Allah will free the

            Islamic world and all mankind from difficulties and troubles of all
            kinds by sending Hazrat Mahdi (as) when the calamities of the End
            Times are at their fiercest. Hazrat Mahdi (as) is a holy individual de-
            scended from our Prophet (saas), who, according to the hadiths and
            statements by Islamic scholars, will appear in Hijri 1400, in this century
            in other words, and will lead people out of the darkness into which they
            have fallen, towards the light. Rasulullah (The Messenger of Allah)
            (saas) has described in detail Hazrat Mahdi's (as) physical characteris-
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