Page 65 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 65

The Origin of Life and the Universe

                   .         / 3 /  3          More evidence for the Big Bang was forthcoming.
                                             One piece had to do with the relative amounts of
                                             hydrogen and helium in the universe. Observations
         In 1948, George Gamov carried George Lema-  indicated that the mix of these two elements in the
       itre's calculations several steps further and came  universe was in accord with theoretical calculations
       up with a new idea concerning the Big Bang. If the  of what should have been remained after the Big
       universe was formed in a sudden, cataclysmic  Bang. That drove another stake into the heart of
       explosion, there ought to be a definite amount of  the steady state theory because if the universe
       radiation left over from that explosion. This radiation  had existed for eternity and never had a beginning,
       should be detectable and, furthermore, it should  all of its hydrogen should have been burned into
       be uniform throughout the universe.   helium.
         Within two decades, observational proof of Ga-  Confronted by such evidence, the Big Bang gai-
       mov's conjecture was forthcoming. In 1965, two  ned the near-complete approval of the scientific
       researchers by the name of Arno Penzias and Ro-  world. In an article in its October 1994 issue, Sci-
       bert Wilson discovered a form of radiation hitherto  entific American noted that the Big Bang model
       unnoticed. Called "cosmic background radiation",  was the only one that could account for the constant
       it was unlike anything coming from anywhere else  expansion of the universe and for other observational
       in the universe for it was            results.
       extraordinarily uniform. It                            Defending the steady-state
       was neither localized nor                            theory alongside Fred Hoyle
       did it have a definite sour-                 1965    for years, Dennis Sciama
       ce; instead, it was distri-                          described the final position
       buted equally everywhere.                            they had reached after all
       It was soon realized that                            the evidence for the Big Bang
       this radiation was the echo                          theory was revealed:
       of the Big Bang, still re-                             There was at that time a so-
       verberating since the first                          mewhat acrimonious debate bet-
       moments of that great exp-                   1992    ween some of the proponents of
       losion. Gamov had been                               the steady state theory and obser-
       spot-on for the frequency                            vers who were testing it and, I
       of the radiation was nearly                          think, hoping to disprove it. I played
       the same value that sci-                             a very minor part at that time be-
       entists had predicted it wo-                         cause I was a supporter of the ste-
       uld be. Penzias and Wilson
       were awarded a Nobel pri-                    2003    ady state theory, not in the sense
       ze for their discovery.                              that I believed that it had to be
         In 1989, George Smoot                              true, but in that I found it so attractive
       and his NASA team sent                               I wanted it to be true. When hostile
       a satellite into space. Cal-                         observational evidence became to
       led the "Cosmic Background  The cosmic background radiation discovered  come in, Fred Hoyle took a leading
       Emission Explorer" (COBE),  in 1965 by Penzias and Wilson is regarded as  part in trying to counter this evidence,
       it took only eight minutes for  incontrovertible evidence of the Big Bang by  and I played a small part at the side,
       the sensitive instruments on  the scientific world.  also making suggestions as to how
       board the satellite to detect and confirm the levels  the hostile evidence could be answered. But as that evidence
       of radiation reported by Penzias and Wilson. These
       results conclusively demonstrated the existence  piled up, it became more and more evident that the game
       of the hot, dense form remaining from the explosion  was up, and that one had to abandon the steady state theory.
       out of which the universe came into being. Most  (Stephen Hawking, Evreni Kucaklayan Karınca, 1993, p. 62-
       scientists acknowledged that COBE had successfully  63)
       captured the remnants of the Big Bang.
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