Page 68 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 68
The Origin of Life and the Universe
there is planning by a supernatural intelligence, And science does reveal the fact that living things
which is the case in every corner of the universe, were created. This is something demonstrated by
then science must accept the fact. scientific discoveries. When we examine the fan-
Under close examination, what they call the "sci- tastically complex structures in living things, we
entific cause" is actually the materialist dogma that see that they possess such extraordinary features
only matter exists and that all of nature can be exp- that they can never be accounted for by natural
lained by material processes. This is not a "scientific processes and coincidences. Every instance of ext-
cause," or anything like it; it is just materialist philo- raordinary feature is evidence for an intelligence
sophy. This philosophy hides behind such superficial that brought it into being; therefore, we must conclude
words as "scientific cause" and obliges scientists to that life, too, was created by a power. This power
accept quite unscientific conclusions. Not surprisingly, belongs to a nonmaterial wisdom—the superior
when Demirsoy cites another subject—the origins wisdom of the All-Powerful God, Who rules all of
of the mitochondria in the cell—he openly accepts nature… In short, life and all living things were
chance as an explanation, even though it is "quite created. This is not a dogmatic belief like materialism,
contrary to scientific thought": but a plain fact revealed by scientific observation
The heart of the problem is how the mitochondria and experiment.
have acquired this feature, because attaining this We see that this fact comes as a terrible shock
feature by chance even by one individual, requires for scientists who are used to believing in materialism,
extreme probabilities that are incomprehensible... and that materialism is a science. See how this
The enzymes providing respiration and functioning shock is described by Michael Behe, one of the
as a catalyst in each step in a different form make most important scientists to stand against the theory
up the core of the mechanism. A cell has to contain of evolution in the world today:
this enzyme sequence completely, otherwise it is The resulting realization that life was designed
meaningless. Here, despite being contrary to biolo- by an intelligence is a shock to us in the twentieth
gical thought, in order to avoid a more dogmatic century who have gotten used to thinking of life as
explanation or speculation, we have to accept, the result of simple natural laws. But other centuries
though reluctantly, that all the respiration enzymes have had their shocks, and there is no reason to
completely existed in the cell before the cell first suppose that we should escape them. 9
came in contact with oxygen. 8 Mankind has been freed from such dogmas as
The conclusion to be drawn from such pronoun- that the world is flat, or that it is the center of the
cements is that evolution is not a theory arrived at universe. And it is now being freed from the materialist
through scientific investigation. On the contrary, and evolutionist dogma that life came about by it-
the form and substance of this theory were dictated self.
by the requirements of materialistic philosophy. It The duty that befalls a true scientist in this
then turned into a belief or dogma in spite of respect, is to do away with materialist dogma and
concrete scientific facts. Again, from evolutionist li- evaluate the origin of life and living things with the
terature, we can clearly see that all of this effort honesty and objectivity befitting a real scientist. A
has a "purpose"—a purpose that requires maintaining, real scientist must come to terms with the "shock,"
at no matter what cost, that living things were not and not tie himself to outdated nineteenth-century
created. dogmas and defend impossible scenarios.
Coming to Terms with the Shocks
1- Alan Woods, Ted Grant. "Marxism and Darwinism", Reason in Revolt: Marxism
As we recently stressed, materialism is the belief and Modern Science, London: 1993
2- Douglas Futuyma, Evolutionary Biology, 2. Baskı, Sunderland, MA: Sinauer, 1986,
that categorically rejects the existence of the non- s.3
3- Alan Woods, Ted Grant, "Marxism and Darwinism", Reason in Revolt: Marxism
material (or the "supernatural"). Science, on the and Modern Science, London: 1993.
4- Richard Lewontin, "The Demon-Haunted World", The New York Review of Books,
other hand, is under no obligation to accept 9 Ocak, 1997, s. 28.
5- Hoimar Von Ditfudrth, Dinozorların Sessiz Gecesi, cilt 2, Çev. Veysel Atayman, 2.
such a dogma. The duty of science is Baskı, İstanbul: Alan Yayıncılık, Mart 1995, s. 64.
6- Prof. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim, Ankara: Meteksan Yayınları, 1984, s. 61.
to observe nature and produce results. 7- Prof. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim, s. 61.
8- Prof. Ali Demirsoy, Kalıtım ve Evrim, s. 94.
9- Michael Behe, Darwin's Black Box, New York, The Free Press, 1996, s. 252-53