Page 67 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 67
The Origin of Life and the Universe
commitment for evolutionists, who then try to adapt king, we can say that somebody who accepts the
science to this preconception. Since materialism de- modern science of nature has no other alternative
finitely necessitates denying the existence of a than to say "yes," because he aims to explain natural
Creator, they embrace the only alternative they have phenomena by means that are understandable and
to hand, which is the theory of evolution. It does not tries to derive them from the laws of nature without
matter to such scientists that evolution has been reverting to supernatural interference. 5
belied by scientific facts, because they have accepted Yes, as Ditfurth states, the materialist scientific
it "a priori" as true. approach adopts as its basic principle explaining life
This prejudiced behavior leads evolutionists to a by denying "supernatural interference," i.e., creation.
belief that "unconscious matter composed itself," Once this principle is adopted, even the most im-
which is contrary not only to science, but also to possible scenarios are easily accepted. It is possible
reason. The concept of "the self-organization of mat- to find examples of this dogmatic mentality in almost
ter," which we examined in an earlier chapter, is an all evolutionist literature. Professor Ali Demirsoy,
expression of this. the well-known advocate of evolutionary theory in
Evolutionist propaganda, which we constantly Turkey, is just one of many. According to Demirsoy,
come across in the Western media and in well- the probability of the coincidental formation of cytoch-
known and "esteemed" science magazines, is the rome-C, an essential protein for life, is "as unlikely
outcome of this ideological necessity. Since evolution as the possibility of a monkey writing the history of
is considered to be indispensable, it has been turned humanity on a typewriter without making any mista-
into a taboo subject by the circles that set the stan- kes." 6
dards of science. There is no doubt that to accept such a possibility
Some scientists find themselves in a position is actually to reject the basic principles of reason
where they are forced to defend this far-fetched and common sense. Even one single correctly formed
theory, or at least avoid uttering any word against it, letter written on a page makes it certain that it was
in order to maintain their reputations. Academics in written by a person. When one sees a book of world
Western countries have to have articles published history, it becomes even more certain that the book
in certain scientific journals in order to attain and has been written by an author. No logical person
hold onto their professorships. All of the journals would agree that the letters in such a huge book
dealing with biology are under the control of evolu- could have been put together "by chance."
tionists, and they do not allow any anti-evolutionist However, it is very interesting to see that the evo-
article to appear in them. Biologists, therefore, have lutionist scientist Professor Ali Demirsoy accepts
to conduct their research under the domination of this sort of irrational proposition:
this theory. They, too, are part of the materialist In essence, the probability of the formation of a
order, which regards evolution as an ideological ne- cytochrome-C sequence is as likely as zero. That is,
cessity, which is why they blindly defend all the "im- if life requires a certain sequence, it can be said that
possible coincidences" we have been examining in this has a probability likely to be realized once in the
this book. whole universe. Otherwise some metaphysical powers
beyond our definition must have acted in its formation.
The Definition of the "Scientific Cause" To accept the latter is not appropriate for the scientific
The German biologist Hoimar von Ditfurth, a pro- cause. We thus have to look into the first hypothesis. 7
minent evolutionist, is a good example of this bigoted Demirsoy writes that he prefers the impossible, in
materialist understanding. After Ditfurth cites an order not to have to accept supernatural forces—in
example of the extremely complex composition of other words, the existence of a Creator. However,
life, this is what he says concerning the question of the aim of science is not to avoid accepting the exis-
whether it could have emerged by chance or not: tence of supernatural forces. Science can get nowhere
Is such a harmony that emerged only out of coin- with such an aim. It should simply observe nature,
cidences possible in reality? This is the basic question free of all prejudices, and draw conclusions from
of the whole of biological evolution. ...Critically spea- these observations. If these results indicate that