Page 70 - The Origin of Life and the Universe - International Conference 2016
P. 70

The Origin of Life and the Universe

            8 3             +      2 3       Do those who are unbelievers not see that
                                             the heavens and the earth were sewn together
                              0              and then We unstitched them and that We
                                             made from water every living thing? So will
                                             they not have faith? (Surat al-Anbiya, 30)
         In addition to explaining the universe, the Big
       Bang model has another important implication. As  There is a very important choice of words in the
       the quotation from Anthony Flew cited above points  original Arabic whose translation is given above.
       out, science has proven an assertion hitherto sup-  The word ratk translated as "sewn to" means "mixed
       ported only by religious sources.    in each, blended" in Arabic dictionaries. It is used to
         This truth is the reality of Creation from nothing-  refer to two different substances that make up a
       ness. This has been declared in the holy books that  whole. The phrase "we unstitched" is the verb fatk
       have served as guides for mankind for thousands  in Arabic and implies that something comes into
       of years.                            being by tearing apart or destroying the structure of
         In the only book revealed by God that has survived  ratk. The sprouting of a seed from the soil is one of
       completely intact, the Qur'an, there are statements  the actions to which this verb is applied.
       about the Creation of the universe from nothing as  Let us take a look at the verse again with this
       well as how this came about that are parallel to  knowledge in mind. In the verse, sky and earth are
       20 -century knowledge and yet were revealed four-  at first subject to the status of  ratk. They are
       teen centuries ago.                  separated (fatk) with one coming out of the other.
         First of all, the Creation of this universe from not-  Intriguingly, cosmologists speak of a "cosmic egg"
       hingness is revealed in the Qur'an as follows:  that consisted of all the matter in the universe prior
                                            to the Big Bang. In other words, all the heavens and
         He (God) is the Originator of the heavens and
                                            earth were included in this egg in a condition of
         the earth…(Surat al-An’am, 101)
                                            ratk. This cosmic egg exploded violently causing its
         Another important aspect revealed in the Qur'an  matter to fatk and in the process created the structure
                                                   of the whole universe.
                                                     Another truth revealed in the Qur'an
                                                   is the expansion of the universe that
                                                   was discovered in the late 1920s. Hubb-
                                                   le's discovery of the red shift in the
                                                   spectrum of starlight is revealed in the
                                                   Qur'an as:
                                                   It is We Who have built the universe
                                                   with (Our creative) power, and, verily,
                                                   it is We Who are steadily expanding
                                                   it. (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 47)
                                                     In short, the findings of modern science
                                                   support the truth that is revealed in the
                                                   Qur'an and not materialist dogma. Ma-
                                                   terialists may claim this all to be "coinci-
                                                   dence" but the plain fact is that the uni-
                                                   verse came into being as a result of an
       fourteen centuries before the modern discovery of  act of Creation on the part of God and the only true
           the Big Bang and findings related to it is that  knowledge about the origin of universe is to be
              when it was created, the universe occupied  found in the word of God as revealed to us.
               a very tiny volume:
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