Page 57 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 57

The Two Governors Of Our Body:
                            The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland

                 1. How do the hypothalamus cells, which produce the ADH hor-
            mone, know the structure of the cells that surround the veins, cells that are
            located at a great distance from them?
                 2. How do they know that these muscles must contract in order for
            blood pressure to increase?
                 3. How is it that these cells can produce the chemical formula to bring
            about this contraction?
                 4. Where did the neural "transmission cables" of this communication
            network between the heart and the pituitary gland to produce such a per-
            fect alarm system come from?
                 Certainly, we have here a real design which shows that human be-

            ings did not come into being by the unconscious operation involving
            chance, but as the result of a perfect act of creation. The evolutionists'
            claim that the body's communication and alarm system is the result of
            chance and necessity, that the cells themselves contrived, designed, and
            constructed this system is contrary to reason. Such a claim is like assert-
            ing that a pile of cement, bricks and electrical cable were unloaded on a
            plot of land and three storms happened: as a result of the first, these
            building materials formed a skyscraper; after the second, they furnished
            the skyscraper with an electrical system; and after the third, they put a
            perfect security system in the building. No one with common sense
            would accept such an illogical claim. But the evolutionists make even
            more illogical assertions. Evolutionists, who dogmatically insist on not
            accepting the existence of God, defend the theory of evolution without
            considering how contrary to reason their denials are.
                 However, it is very evident that God exists and that He has created
            everything in the heavens and on the Earth according to a perfect de-

                 ... Everything in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. Everything
                 is obedient to Him, the Originator of the heavens and Earth. When
                 He decides on something, He just says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Qur'an,
                 2: 116-117)

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