Page 61 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 61

The Two Governors Of Our Body:
                            The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland

                                   PITUITARY GLAND

               Hormonal Control in                           LH
               Males: LH secreted from
               the pituitary gland stimu-
               lates a special group of
               cells in the testes (leydig
               cells) and ensures the
               secretion of testosterone.
               In men, FSH stimulates
               the testes cells and initi-
               ates sperm production.            testes

            chemistry and special qualities of the female body and make the chan-
            ges accordingly? Who placed this wonderful genetic program in the
            cells according to which one hormone has different effects and causes
            the development of the different sexes?

                 Who has the intelligence to formulate a plan such as this? Do chance
            events have such intelligence? Do unconscious cells have it? Or do the
            atoms that form the cells have it?
                 It is completely evident that this intelligence does not belong to
            chance events, to the cell or to the atoms which compose cells. These
            developments are regulated with a view to the particularities of males
            and females and show us the existence of a deliberate design and plan.
            This plan and supreme intelligence belong to God.

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