Page 66 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 66


                  One of the condi-
                tions caused by the
                 malfunction of the
                   thyroid gland is
                  Grave's disease.
               This condition caus-
                es the eyes to bulge
                 (near right). Goiter
                     is a condition
                     caused by the
                 enlargement of the
                thyroid gland      (far

              balance. If the cells of the body worked more quickly than they should,
              "toxic goiter" would develop, caused by the excessive secretion of thy-
              roxine. Symptoms of this disease include the increase of the metabolic
              rate, a rise in body temperature and blood pressure, weight loss, exces-

              sive sweating and general nervousness. The eyes bulge in their sockets
              and, in advanced stages of this disease, blindness and even death (due to
              cardiac insufficiency) can result.
                   The tissues that make up the human body are continually being re-
              newed. Every day approximately 200 grams of muscle and tissue cells
              are renewed. Every minute 200 million cells in our bodies are produced
              to replace dead cells, and it is the thyroxine hormone that determines
              the speed at which this renewal takes place.
                   How does this hormone-producing thyroid gland know the speed
              at which the cells in our bodies must function? How does it determine
              the speed of the replacement of body cells? The person himself does not
              even know the speed at which his body's cells have to function, and most

              people are not even aware that their body cells have a particular speed at
              which they must function. If someone wanted to interfere with the speed
              at which his body cells work, he could certainly not affect the cells with
              his own will. In order to do this, he would have to obtain medical help or

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