Page 68 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 68


                                                     As can be seen in the picture
                                                on the left, a thyroid molecule is
                                                composed of lifeless, unconscious
                                                atoms. The cells perform their
                                                function according to humanly
                                                inconceivable genetic program
                                                written in their nuclei. This fact
                                                brings to light even more the enor-
                                                mity of the miracle of creation.
                                                     It is God, the possessor of eter-
                                                nal intelligence and knowledge,
                                                Who wonderfully created the cells
                                                of the body, the genetic program
                The structure of the thyroid hor-  that determines the functioning of
                mone that determines the speed  this system, and the inner systems
                at which the body cells work.
                                                of the cells that translate and inter-
                                                pret this genetic program.
                   Moreover, in the genetic programs of the cells that compose the thy-
              roid gland, He wrote the molecular formula of the hormone that acceler-
              ates the activity of other cells. So it is evident that a remarkably
              harmonious system has been put in place which proves once more the
              perfection of God's creation. In the Qur'an, God reveals harmony and
              perfection that is seen everywhere in the world:
                   He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any
                   flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see
                   any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to
                   you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67: 3-4)

                   The Proportion in Our Bodies

                   Thyroxine has another wonderful characteristic in that it works in
              cooperation with the growth hormone. These two molecules act together
              in harmony toward a common goal. There is only one explanation for

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