Page 70 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 70
cells with orders as to how
much and how fast they
have to multiply. As a re-
sult, a perfectly formed
human body comes into
In the majority of
human beings, the amount
of this molecule is adjusted
The three-dimensional structure
in a very special way so of the thyroxine hormone.
that neither too much nor
too little is produced. If the
amount of these hormones produced varied too much from one individ-
ual to another, there would be major physical differences between peo-
ple; millions of people would be between 2.5 and 3 meters tall; millions
would be one meter or less in height, everyone would have a body and
facial structure lacking proportion, and almost everyone would be men-
tally retarded. Millions of people would die while still in adolescence.
To repeat: the external appearance and physical characteristics of
human beings is due to two small molecules that God has wonderfully
created—the growth hormone and thyroxine. This is another proof of
how God has constructed human beings on a foundation of delicate bal-
He created the heavens and the Earth with truth and formed you,
giving you the best of forms. And He is your final destination.
(Qur'an, 64: 3)
One Hundred Trillion Micro-Heaters
In order for you to be able to read this page, your body temperature
must be at a certain level. If this temperature falls or rises too much, you
will die. For this reason, some systems that keep the body temperature at