Page 74 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 74
takes highly intelligent measures so that the sources in which it is itself
produced do not make too much, and it interferes with and severes the
chain of command established for its own production. By this means,
when the thyroxine in the blood rises above normal, the production of
thyroxine is automatically curtained.
We can understand this more easily with some examples: imagine
that small intelligent machines were made in a factory. These machines
were made in three stages:
1. First stage: computer A sends a production command to comput-
er B.
2. Second stage: computer B translates this command into another
language and sends it to computer C.
3. Third stage: computer C begins to produce the desired machines
with the help of a robot.
Suddenly, production exceeds what is required and there are more
machines in stock than are needed. At this stage, one section of the ma-
chines in stock goes to computer B and removes the cable connecting
computer B with computer A. Now, computer B cannot receive a com-
mand from computer A. Since the production command cannot reach
computer C, production ceases and the computers in stock last until the
supply runs out. When the stock runs low, the cable connecting comput-
er A with computer B is again attached by the machines and production
If such machines were made which could supervise their own pro-
duction and that of the machines that produce them so intelligently, a
revolution in industry and technology would be the result. In every
human being, there exists such a fantastic system of production occur-
ring every minute.
Asecond system also determines the amount of thyroxine pro-
duced. An increase in the amount of thyroxine affects the cells in the
hypothalamus. These cells reduce the production of TRH and, therefore,
the amount of TSH secreted in the pituitary gland is reduced. By this
way, the production of thyroxine is slowed down.