Page 77 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 77
The Rhythm Of Life:
The Thyroid Gland
another remarkable system that keeps the level of thyroxine in the blood
stable in times of crisis.
Thyroxine molecules are secreted by the thyroid gland into the blood
and must soon become attached to molecules specially designed to trans-
port them in the blood. While they are attached to this molecule, they can-
not perform their function. Of the thousands of thyroxine molecules, only
a few freely circulate in the blood. It is only about four out of ten thousand
thyroxine molecules that affect the metabolic speed of the cells. 17
After the free thyroxine molecules enter the target cells, other thy-
roxine molecules that detach from their carrier molecules take their
place. The carrier molecules serve as a storage reservoir to ensure that
enough thyroxine is ready when needed.
We have already seen how delicately the balance of the amount of
thyroxine required to affect the cells is adjusted and the medical prob-
lems that can result if the amount of thyroxine rises or falls. This delicate
balance involves a proportion of four free to ten thousand bound thyrox-
ine molecules. In the light of this, these questions must be asked:
Who counted these trillions of molecules and decided that only close
to four out of ten thousand are needed for the health of human beings?
Who calculated that nine thousand nine hundred ninety-six molecules
out of every ten thousand molecules must stand by idly? Who foresees
that there will be a reduction of the number of these four molecules out of
every ten thousand molecules roaming in the veins, and releases more
molecules? Who made this incredible mathematical calculation and creat-
ed this system that has existed in every human ever born?
Certainly this example is a proof that God is sovereign over every-
thing both visible and invisible, that He encompasses and determines
most exactly the number of all things on the face of the Earth.
So that He may know that they have indeed transmitted the Mes-
sages of their Lord. He encompasses what is in their hands and
has counted the exact number of everything. (Qur'an, 72: 28)