Page 75 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 75

1. Computer A
      sends a produc-         A
         tion order to                                     B
         computer B.

                                                               C            2. Computer
        3. Computer C                                                       B under-
                                                                            stands the
        begins to pro-
                                                                            order, trans-
      duce the desired
                                                                            lates it, and
        machines with
                                                                            sends it to
      the aid of a robot
                                                                            computer C.
        mounted on it.

                              A                            B


                                                  When too much stock has been accumu-
                                                  lated, one of these machines goes to com-
                                                  puter B and cuts its connection with
                                                  computer A. As a result, computer A can-
                                                  not give a production command. This situ-
                                                  ation continues until the stock is depleted.
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