Page 79 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 79

he amount of calcium in the blood is a
                                        very important factor in human survival.
                                 T In order for a human to survive, he needs
                                 to not only breathe and drink water, but he must
                                 also have a certain amount of calcium in his
                                 blood. If the level of calcium in the blood falls
                                 below what is required, death will result. Now, let
                                 us think of this hypothetical example: A container
                                 in front of you contains one liter of blood. This
                                 blood is to be transfused into a patient waiting for
                                 an operation. It has been discovered that there is a
                                 deficiency of calcium in this blood, but the
                                 amount of the deficiency has not been deter-
                                 mined. You are asked to make a guess and supply
                                 the deficiency. You have been given a large con-
                                 tainer of powdered calcium to use.
                                      How would you make this decision?
                                      First, you would have to measure the
                                 amount of calcium in the blood in front of you.
                                 But you would need such advanced technological
                                 tools that you would have neither the time nor the
                                 opportunity to do it. In this situation, you would
                                 be completely helpless. The fact that you are una-
                                 ble to measure the amount of calcium in the blood
                                 in front of you may result in the patient's death.
                                      Let us change our example slightly: Now
                                 you are given one liter of blood which contains no
                                 calcium, and you have to add the right amount of
                                 it. How many spoonfuls of calcium would you
                                 take from the container and add to the blood?
                                 What is the correct amount of this vital substance
                                 that must be added to one liter of blood?
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