Page 76 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 76


                   Using the above factory example, it is useful to examine this second
              system. The effect of the thyroxine on the hypothalamus and its curtail-
              ment of the production of TSH can be compared to the machines pro-
              duced in our imaginary factory that slow down the information flow
              from that computer. Not only the communication between computer A
              and computer B is cut, but computer A is also slowed down, thus being
              prevented from sending a command to computer B.
                   When the amount of thyroxine in the blood is reduced, the system
              works in the reverse direction. More commands are sent from computer
              A and the capacity of computer B to receive these commands is in-
              creased. As a result, the hypothalamus secretes more TRH hormone, the
              pituitary gland becomes more sensitive to TRH, and raises the produc-
              tion of the TSH hormone. In this way, more thyroxine is produced and
              secreted. 16
                   How does the thyroxine hormone know that the chain of command
              must be broken in order to stop its production? How do the cells in the

              hypothalamus know that, when the level of thyroxine is high, its secre-
              tion must be stopped and, when it is low, its secretion must be increased?
              How did this flawless system come into being?
                   To think that this intricately planned system came to be by time,
              chance, and natural law is more outside the realm of sound thinking than
              to think that a computer or a television could come into being by a simi-
              lar process. In order for this system to be able to function, hundreds of
              specially designed molecular sized structures (which we have not de-
              scribed in detail) are required. It is a clear fact that this system was creat-
              ed by a supreme intelligence, that is, by God.

                   Four Out of Ten Thousand Molecules

                   The amount of thyroxine secreted is determined by the amazing
              system we have described above. But together with all this, there is

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