Page 67 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 67
The Rhythm Of Life:
The Thyroid Gland
take some medication. Human beings do not determine the speed at
which their own cells work; this is under the control of that small piece of
flesh called the thyroid gland.
How has the thyroid gland determined the ideal working speed for
the cells? How does it know the working speed of the hundreds of differ-
ent systems contained in the cells—systems that scientists are still inves-
tigating? Let scientists continue to try to understand these systems; the
thyroid hormone knows all the details of these systems, including what
kind of intervention is needed to increase their working speed. To do
this, it produces a specific molecule type and sends them to each of the
cells one by one. In light of this, we must accept that the cells, which
make up the thyroid gland and produce thyroxine, have a much higher
intelligence about this process than human beings.
Remember, like all the cells in the body, cells that compose the thy-
roid gland do not have any conscious intelligence.
of larynx
Thyroid gland
Left lobe of
thyroid gland
Isthmus of
thyroid gland
The thyroid hormones are responsible for
the growth, metabolism, development and
the organization of the activities in the nerv-
ous system.