Page 63 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 63

oday in factories and modern industrial
                                     plants, the most important thing on the agen-
                              T da is "productivity." Every department of a
                             factory must work with ideal speed but it is not
                             enough that the individual units work to the ideal
                             speed by themselves. Every unit must work in harmo-
                             ny with the others. If one unit thinks that there is an
                             advantage in working on its own faster than the oth-
                             ers, this could cause harm rather than benefit. For this
                             reason, industrial engineers and strategic planners
                             work in factories and plants to put planning into place
                             and ensure productivity.
                                  Imagine a factory that produces millions of differ-
                             ent products, operates twenty-four hours a day with-
                             out a break, and has 100 trillion workers. No doubt, an
                             army of engineers and business planners would be re-
                             quired in this factory to formulate a productivity plan
                             and determine how quickly each group of workers
                             will work must productively.
                                  In real life there exists such a factory, but engi-
                              neers and business administrators do not work in it.
                              The work is done by a small set of cells and the hor-
                              mones that they secrete.
                                    This factory is, of course, the human body and
                                what is responsible for the productivity of this fac-
                                tory is the thyroid gland. With the help of the thy-
                                 roxine hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, 100
                                 trillion cells are individually organized to func-
                                  tion according to a certain rhythm and at a certain
                                  rate of speed. This hormone determines how
                                   quickly nutrients are converted into energy and
                                    how efficiently food burns in the body.
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