Page 59 - The Miracle of Hormones
P. 59
The Two Governors Of Our Body:
The Hypothalamus And The Pituitary Gland
no clock in the hypothalamus, but com-
paring it to a clock is the best way to
describe how cells wait for years to go
into action at just the right time.
How do the cells that make up the
hypothalamus know that the right time
has come? The scientific world has not
yet been able to explain how a small
piece of flesh can act in such a con-
scious and programmed way. 10 It is
likely that the details of this system will
be understood as years go on, and
when they are understood, they will
provide another proof of the perfection Because of its "hidden" clock,
the brain's hypothalamus area
of God's creation. "understands" when a per-
With the sounding of the alarm, son's adolescence has started.
And this clock operates in
the hypothalamus secretes the special every human being without
GnRH hormone. This hormone sends a breaking down or stopping.
command to the pituitary gland to se-
crete two hormones, the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the
Luteinizing Hormone (LH).
These two hormones have very special functions and marvelous
abilities. Each one begins the process of physical differentiation and
development of the male and female body. The FSH and the LH hor-
mones have been designed to effect the areas in which this change will
occur and they act as if they knew very well what they have to do.
In the female body, the FSH hormone causes the maturation and
development of eggs in the ovaries and ensures the secretion of the very
important estrogen hormones by this area.
The FSH hormone is secreted according to the same formula in the
male body, but here it has totally different effects; it stimulates the cells in
the testes and initiates the production of sperm.