Page 25 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 25


                     COURAGE ACCORDING TO THE

                                                     TO SOCIETY

        L            ike many false notions, courage is one of those concepts

                     which is perceived and experienced diff e rently fro m
                     that in the Qur'an in a society that does not adhere to re-
        ligious morality. Of course, people may be able to propound many
        d i ff e rent things on the subject of courage, but as in all matters, the
        best definition we are given is the one in the Qur'an.

             Everybody has moments of courage but the matters concerning
        which  people  are  brave,  the  purposes  for  which  they  achieve
        courage and the limits of the courage they demonstrate may be very
        different from those described in the Qur'an.
             If a definition of courage is required, the definition of one who
        does not know the morality of the Qur'an, and the kind of courage
        Allah recommends, will certainly be different from the definition of

        a Muslim. While a Muslim determines what is courage according to
        the Qur'an, a great many will describe some hero-figure constructed
        from their imagination through the influence of the action films. For
        instance, they would describe driving in the wrong direction on an

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