Page 28 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 28
ous and unintelligent. Instead of being encouraged, he should be
prevented. A person's life is more important than material goods of
any type.
Wisdom is the most important element of courage according to
the Qur'an. Being wise is a result of living in fear of Allah. Allah con-
fers on those who fear Him as He ought to be feared a sense of un-
derstanding to be able to distinguish right from wrong. This sense of
understanding, which issues from fear of Allah, enables one to find
the correct option in every situation. The Qur'an informs us of this
You who believe! If you fear (and respect) Allah, He will
give you discrimination and erase your bad actions from
you and forgive you. Allah's favor is indeed immense.
(Surat al-Anfal, 29)
Wisdom is emphasized in the Qur'an as an important quality.
This wisdom, which can be discerned at all times in the behavior of
the faithful, will make itself known in their acts of bravery. The
courage shown by the faithful is not blind or emotional. They may at
times place themselves at risk, but never on an impulse. As in all be-
havior of the faithful, wisdom is its source. The faithful do not en-
gage in acts of courage blindly or recklessly.
As in all matters, fear of Allah is essential. One who has no fear
of Allah may easily engage in behavior which will harm others,
tramping on their rights for his own advantage. Such a person's con-
ception of courage is diametrically opposed to the true courage of
which the Qur'an informs us.
They re g a rd obtaining money by doing what is forbidden,ob-
taining advantages by disregarding the rights of others, and ignor-