Page 33 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 33

Satan Instructs People in an Evil Form of Courage

        derstanding of the meaning of patience is mentioned as forbearance,
        a period of undesired waiting for something. However, patience
        means determined and persistent commitment to a task of which
        Allah approves, not abandoning it, or becoming wearied, but carry-
        ing resolutely it to a conclusion. For example, the ability to re m a i n
        tolerant despite adverse circumstances, to restrain anger and re-

        spond with kindness, in circumstances where rage might otherwise
        be vented, and to be determined to do so, at whatever cost, and not
        to feel overburdened, is a true example of patience.
             S i m i l a r l y, patience means waiting contently in expectance of
        the positive outcome promised by Allah. This is not, as Satan tries
        to portray it, something difficult or burdensome. On the contrary,
        it increases the motivation of the faithful. For example, all believers

        long for the Afterlife. They passionately desire to be united in
        Paradise, waiting patiently for this end. A believer who is patient
        for the good pleasure of Allah, in any matter, enjoys the content-
        ment and peace of mind of knowing that he will surely re c e i v e
        f rom Allah his due re w a rd .
             When a believer is treated badly, he deals with it patiently. That
        is, he does not become angry or despair, but maintains the com-
        posed behavior commanded in the Qur'an.
             Another idea which, like patience, Satan tries to distort, is the

        subject of this book: Courage. If people do not conform to A l l a h ' s
        commands, they will fall under Satan's influence, so that, instead of
        learning the meaning of the message of the Qur'an, they learn the
        suggestions of Satan. Satan guides people towards false courage.
        False courage is the audacity to commit evil without fear, and to re-
        ject our Lord, Who created the entire universe, without shame, with-

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