Page 30 - The Courage of the Faithful
P. 30
mains afterwards is for an opportunity to come to carry out what it
requires. In truth, this courage shown by the faithful is merely that
which Allah has ordered. For that reason, the faithful perform their
greatest feats of bravery with composure. Because, when it is a mat-
ter of earning the goodwill of Allah, there is nothing that he is not
willing to give up.
It is Allah Who gives life and property. Just as He confers these
on whom He wishes, so, too, it is in Allah's power to take them back,
whenever and however He likes. It should also not be forgotten that
nothing happens by coincidence. When living according to the
morality of the Qur'an, one who acts with courage and determina-
tion for the sake of Allah, will experience nothing that is not written
for him according to his fate. Nevertheless, these circumstances are
but of the greatest good for him in this world and the Afterlife. That
is, when a person behaves courageously through difficulty, when he
tries to overcome that problem, no matter what he may come up
against, the outcome will be beneficial for him. Because, in the
Qur'an, Allah informs us that He will surely conclude the affairs of
His faithful believers to their advantage.
From the Qur'an, which provides us with the best definition of
true courage, we may recognize from the examples provided of the
lives of the prophets, and the faithful who followed them, that
courage exhibited for the approval of Allah is an exalted virtue.
As discussed to this point, the most important element which
distinguishes the type of courage outlined in the Qur'an from the
mistaken notions of society is purpose. When we examine the
Qur'an, we can see that, according to it, true courage comprises of
very different purposes from those commonly recognized. The aim